Killer show last night @ The Pound


Got Shred??
Feb 6, 2002
Canton, Georgia
Great show last night dudes and dudette. I have to say that it was definitely one of the best times I have seen Imagika play. With the addition of Pat on guitar it brings a more full sound and in your face. Norman you did a killer job on all the old songs, Chaos to Murder was very cool,also The Last Battalion and Devils on Both Sides kicked serious ass, great job. I look forward to the next show.

Great hanging out with all you guys again, that was a bit of a reunion, its been to long...Lataz

Thanks guys. I'm just waking up ugh. I had a blast last night, the Pound is always a cool place to play and hang out. I just wish it hadn't rained then I could've stayed outside most of the night and chatted with everyone. I can't wait for everyone to hear the new material when it's done.

Oh, to the band...

Who took my Conflict lyrics? Good thing I remembered them. Ha ha!
savascream said:
Who took my Conflict lyrics? Good thing I remembered them. Ha ha!
Haahaa! Did someone snag them before you got a chance to use them? :tickled:

Did you see Steve almost eat it on stage? I missed it, but he told me about it afterwards. LOL!!! He almost did a faceplate into the monitors!!! LOL! I'm glad I didn't see it because I would have fucked up the song.

Oh man... :grin: :worship: :rock:
Yeah, they were gone right before we started the first song. Steve probably thought it was trash. Steve almost biffed huh? That would've sucked and been funny all at the same time. Can't wait to see the video Mike. Bring it tomorrow when you come over.
Lyrics? I probably threw them to the side as I thought all that shit was leftover trash from the Pain in the ass factors,clown factors, thanapoopis parental instinct was kickin' in! Yeah I thought I was going to have monitor stew there at one point. I bent over the guitar a little too much and since my geritol hadn't kicked in yet I was wondering if I was going to pull outta that tailspin. Probably seemed worse to me and nobody else noticed! Anyway it was a good show and thanx to all the peeps that made it out! We appreciate it! And Norm where were you for your schoolin' when AS hit the stage? Bruce was kickin' ass as usual!

Thank you all for the comps. I agree that our energy & sound were great and the crowd was great, too. Overall, the show was GRRRRRRRREAT!!!!! (Man, I sound like Tony the Tiger!)
