Hey Jeff, remember me?



hey Jeff! I dont know if you remember but, im the dude that lived on queen anne and fixed your computer and you signed my Ibanez Universe!! Just want you to know you are the fucking man! NO ONE can play like you can! those fucking sweeps are just sickeningly fast! everytime i pick up my guitar and see your sig it inspires me to strive to be a better player. i can kinda play some of your solos now! but not even close to as clean as you can. YOU ARE THE MAN!
porn? rofl. none that i know of, i just gave him my soundcard, and reinstalled everything and hooked him up with some recording software. and jammed and little. he taught me economy picking, its ingrained into my playing now.
man i am just a kid of 12....man
its ingrained i want to be vai, and george lynch how do i do it, anyone know...????
rebirth said:
man i am just a kid of 12....man
its ingrained i want to be vai, and george lynch how do i do it, anyone know...????

haha, c'mon rebirth, no kid nowadays knows who george lynch is, let alone wants to be him :lol: