Forum??? The stupidest shit!!!


Jarek Z

Hey guys, have you read the interview with Jeff Loomis on ? He says about you, the forum members ;-) Look at that:

QUESTION: Nevermore's official message board is pretty fucking chaotic and often so far left field of metal and music in general I have often wondered why the fuck you guys even keep it around. What are your thoughts on your forum?

Jeff Loomis answers: I don't even fuckin' read it. It's on there and it's just a bunch of people arguing and talking about the stupidest shit. One person writes in about something and 500 more will write in and tell their opinion about it. It's just something that's always been there and I can tell you that there is going to be a lot of changes to that as soon as the new album is released. The whole website's going to be redone.

Do you agree with him?
Yes, this is kind of "old news". Just let me say, "YOU CAN'T PLEASE ALL PEOPLE ALL THE TIME, AND ONLY SOME PEOPLE SOME OF THE TIME". I've met Mr. Loomis on two occasions and he seemed like a pretty humble "down to earth" guy. I could be wrong, but he seems to get more uptight about things and Warrel, Van, and Jim are more laid back, at least they were when I met them.

"Jeff Loomis answers: I don't even fuckin' read it. It's on there and it's just a bunch of people arguing and talking about the stupidest shit. One person writes in about something and 500 more will write in and tell their opinion about it. It's just something that's always been there"--- And it will continue to be here. Hey, I but Jeff will accept the money shelled out for C.D.'s, tickets, merchandise, etc. from all of us "people arguing and talking about the stupidest shit." NEVERMORE is and will continue to be my favorite band, but to me Mr. Loomis's comments are a real "slap in the face" to the NEVERMORE/ "Metal/Hard music" fans. To quote an anonymous source, "OPINIONS ARE LIKE ASSHOLES, EVERYBODY'S GOT ONE AND THE MAJORITY OF THEM STINK".
know ya...


Jarek Z said:
Hey guys, have you read the interview with Jeff Loomis on ? He says about you, the forum members ;-) Look at that:

QUESTION: Nevermore's official message board is pretty fucking chaotic and often so far left field of metal and music in general I have often wondered why the fuck you guys even keep it around. What are your thoughts on your forum?

Jeff Loomis answers: I don't even fuckin' read it. It's on there and it's just a bunch of people arguing and talking about the stupidest shit. One person writes in about something and 500 more will write in and tell their opinion about it. It's just something that's always been there and I can tell you that there is going to be a lot of changes to that as soon as the new album is released. The whole website's going to be redone.

Do you agree with him?

thunderhead: "Yes"

this coming from someone who...
1)asked how many stories about set can one handle
2)chose BIN as his fave song from DH
3)thought jesus was a nigga
4)Is obviously a dipshit
Yes, I agree with Jeff. If I had a band and a forum, I'd be disappointed. The forum was created for the band, not "the stupidest shit". Everybody is free to talk what they want, freedom exist (or should exist) but this forum gives a bad impression of the people who listen to Nevermore and somehow this affects the band. I know all of you are not stupid, but it's very very easy to think the opposite.
And no, I am not Jeff Loomis.