Hey Katrina victims..

My sister lives in Tyler TX. She tells me that her daughters school has completely gotten out of hand. Bomb threats, fights, girls being felt up in the halls, crap like that. I am not saying this is due to the displaced Katrina victims but, she did say that they have never had problems at school like this.

"George Bush doesn't care about wet people." -Kanye West
Yeah dumbass, they dont have any homes to go to.

For the able bodied ones, it's past due for them to get onto their feet and get some jobs and get off the transitionary help they are using as a crutch.

To everyone else, we see people continuing to look at these people like victims. Absolutely, they were victims of a natural and operational tragedies on so many different levels, but now it's time for them to stop relying on handouts and get jobs. As I hear, even NOLA is hurting for workers.
For the able bodied ones, it's past due for them to get onto their feet and get some jobs and get off the transitionary help they are using as a crutch.

To everyone else, we see people continuing to look at these people like victims. Absolutely, they were victims of a natural and operational tragedies on so many different levels, but now it's time for them to stop relying on handouts and get jobs. As I hear, even NOLA is hurting for workers.
Oh no doubt about those that are still playing the "poor pitiful me, I lost everything" card need to stop being a drain on society and do something for themselves instead of relying on anyone else to help, bur at the same time saying ignorant shit like "go home" only makes someone look like a retard when they dont have homes there anymore.
And you're not looking at it in the right sense. Once again, the bleeding hearts have pity for those who shouldn't be pitied anymore.

The reason people want the "refugees" to go home is because they're being drains and not being productive, on top of terrorizing neighborhoods and the students whom they go to school with.

If they were working their way back up, no one would be saying shit about them because they are working for their independence. Unfortunately, they're not working their way back and people rightfully want them to go elsewhere because they overstayed their welcome and hospitality and are now being burdens on the localities they now are residents of, not refugees in.
these people have homes, i go in them everyday. the so-called victims were relocated to texas, never looked for jobs, took government money and bought themselves $150 000 homes, which down here can be quite big, and they live just like they used to, like stinkin motherfuckers. they spent all the money on fancy stupid shit, didnt save jack and one day there will be nothing left, not even their house bcs they're track homes that never gain value. these people have no sense of workin their way up the ladder, they think everything should be given to them. Bcs their great granpa was a my pals they want money....FUCK YOU go get a fuckin job. u dirty stinkin motherfuckers make me sick :Puke: :Puke: :Puke: :Puke: