HEY PPL! support the hell!


Eats and spits corpses...
Sep 2, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
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Pure Sweet Hell is amazing got it last saturday and i already love it....pretty dark everything but totally cool and with great solos by jeff and curran. many of you would love it i daresay!!!

just wanted to say it here!

np: PSH - rot and death!
I got 2 paks in the mail over a month ago and it's still in my cd player! It's freaking Crushing!! Very original style. It definetly stands up, and in some cases surpasses alot of new stuff out there. Very cherry.
like i'm ever gonna find it!
i'd have to order it
i have Refuge Denied and Into The Mirror Black on order
i couldn't get Into The Mirror Live, i assume because it is extremely rare

how come Sanctuary came out witha live album 2 albums into their career, and Nevermore has 6 albums and no live album
oh well, i can wait. EoR will destroy