hey preppy...

hmm well. if i start dumbing things down for people, it'll encompass my whole life and sooner or later i'll have to wear a gag.
we can strike a balance. have smartie pants threads that live on, but post a few nonsense things to distract them elsewhere?
speaking of things that other people get bored from, i just started this book on the subway this morning:


and so far (i am only on page 49 of 600 or so, so bear with me!) it's pretty interesting. i had to like, wade through the dry introduction, but now it's AMAZING. it is a comparison of schizophrenia (symptom by symptom) and modernist writing, art, and the movement. it's really sort of just coming together on page 50 and i am such an asshole that i am EXCITED to leave work and try to read it all tonight.
i havent really read many autobiographical sort of stuff about mental illness strangely. except for the usual (Sybil) i recently read 'wasted' which was really good. i will see if i can find that book at the library. thanks!

and yea, this book is pretty damn awesome so far. i find schizophrenia one of the most interesting mental 'issues' (i can't even tell if it's really a problematic disorder really) out there.
Originally posted by xfer
hmm that does sound cool. do they touch on the effects of WWI, at all?

it was mentioned in the introduction so i am imagining that yes, the book does. but i will know more later! i hope no one bugs me tonight so i can finish it!
Originally posted by avi
Well, the book is real good, although pretty dark. I highly recommend it and will probably check out that book you're reading.

some amazon sample pages:

Bottoms' other book of short stories is ok, but not nearly as good

awesome! this looks pretty damn good and lucky for me i told my boss about it and she has a copy i can borrow next week. thanks for the tip. i've been DYING for good new books to read.
if i get it earlier than next week i will read it this weekend before i try and start ted hughs' birthday letters which my boss also gave me.
okay so i didn't get to read much of _madness and modernism_ last night because people KEPT calling and i inexplicably kept answering the fucking phone, even though as earlier mentioned it bums me the fuck out to talk nowadays.
but i did finagle my way through about 100 pages. they're starting to talk about kafka! and how he may have been a hypersensitive modernist example of the schizoid personality type (which about 30-40% of schizophrenics display before the onset of their total state of 'psychosis). you should all know that i adore franz kafka as in, i would make out with him if he weren't dead. so this is exciting to me and i am wishing i called in sick to work so i could finish reading it.

so yea. GET THIS BOOK. it's super interesting and has engaging 'personal narratives' in it so it's not all dry neuroscientific babble and freudian bullshit talk.