

supreme brutal art
Jun 4, 2004
Eindhoven - Holland
I think it is time to start a thread where we can laugh. So does anybody know some dirty jokes?

A guy is given his girlfriend an oral sexual pleasure treatment, when she suddenly lets a fart. On which the guy respond: "Thanks for the fresh air!"
A woman is driving toward home in Northern Arizona
when she comes upon a Navajo woman hitchhiking.

Because the trip has been long and quiet, she stops
the car and the Navajo woman climbs in.

During their small talk, the Navajo woman glances superstitiously at a brown bag on the front seat between them.

"If you're wondering what's in the bag," offers the woman, "it's a bottle of wine. I got it for my husband."

The Navajo woman is silent for a while, nods several times and says, "Good trade."
One day a boy whos father was a very busy man and never had time to spend with his son the son decided to face his father and say "dad we never get to spend time together!"
the father replied and in his guilt said "son i am taking tomorrow off and we can do whatever you want"
so as they sat at the baseball game the son wabted to go to the father and son sat in an akward silence so the father said "son what is it you want to know about life i am your dad you can ask me anything at all i have been there and had the experiances you are going through"
so the son nervously says "dad well i am getting older and my body is going through alot of changes and i am very interested in the opposite sex"
the dad says "go on and ask whatever it is you need to know son"
Finally working up the nerve the young boy says to his father "dad,what does a vagina look like befor sex?"
the fathers face lit up with excitment and he turned to his son and said "son poets from the begining of time have been trying to describe it and writers today still write about it many wars have been fought over it because it is so one of a kind and amazingly beautifull it compares to milk and honey a rose in full bloom a rainbow over an ocean a sunset in paradise"
the boy in absolute awe says "ok so what does it look like after sex?"
the dad answered "son,have you ever seen a bulldog eat mayonase?!"