Hey rebirth!! About this PRATIL PRICK fucker

You know what? I'm quite in the mood for some boobage right now... I wonder if it's too late to go round and see the g/f? Hmm, maybe she has some Sprite too! Then my day would be fuckin' complete!
Will Bozarth said:
ahh!.... *shrugs*

Dude, I just don't like having to login.
Which also always me to argue with myself. ;)

You know me...
PratlPoet said:
First off, I am not a teacher

***Then stop acting like one...if you did not realize thats how you act, then get off yer ass and get with it..............O-fucking-K ?***

...second off, spell my fucking name right you dink.

***I did spell your name right...PRATIL PRICK...that is the name i have given unto you....you will take the name, you will wear the name.....AND YOU WILL LIkE THE NAME!!!***

Third...I have forgotten more metal in the time it took me to write this than most of you will ever know.

***Ok, thats from far left field...let us take a look at this statement...shall we?? 1st off, even though several of us know more about you than you want us to, hehehehe, I never even mention a thing about what you know about metal...nor any other subject...you worthless retarded child of a fucking SWINE....(yes, your mum)...2nd, why did you use the phrase "most of you"? Your attacking most of us instead of only hitting at ME.....Im thinking your one of those children of swine who when is angered, your pissed at everyone.....Ok, yeah, thats hittin the nail on the old head.***

Fuck off and kiss my ass.

***To sum things up....be more creative with your useless insults, and dont take your angst out on "MOST OF YOU". Also, make your parents proud, and find a huge mountain with a sheer drop.......AND JUMP.***

PratlPoet said:
I'd hardly call Ledfag worthy of "enemy" status...one must be able to battle before he is able to be an enemy.

***You better bet your ass im your enemy . Understand? ****

As for this other crap, got caught on a bad day, got tired of the ridiculous posts, made a comment or two off the cuff, let loose some steam.

***You let loose steam on ridiculous posts, why not take a knife, and stab yourself right in your fuckin eye, cause you my enemy are the picture in the dictionary right beside the word and definition of ridiculous, and pathetic, etc..***

I couldn't care less if I offended 16 year old children.

**COrrect, you couldnt care less about offending the kids, you want to fondel them, you pervert pedifile, thats all you care about**

I make no apologies, but as for Ledfag...everyone's related in Ky, right?

***Why dont you just call me a my pals, or some other slanderouse name which would deal with where i live, or where im from????? YOUR FUCKING PATHETIC you fondeler you..***

That explains EVERYTHING.

***Yes, I do think you have explained everything.....***
Wow, that was most impressive...do you always consult the Kentucky Handbook of Inbred Conversations.

And as for whom I attack...mind your business and keep out of my yard, half-breed.

Mind your yard...
By the way, LedFag...my pals is too good a word for you.

Anytime you're up my way, provided the mule lasts that long in traveling, let me know...I'll show you around the city...BOY.
I think someone remembered why they were angry.

Umm...manboobs anyone?
tered said:
Dude, I just don't like having to login.
Which also always me to argue with myself. ;)

What the hell was I typing?
always = allows

I'm surprised this thread hasn't turn to the topic of poo or squid yet.
rebirth said:
do u guys drink ginger ale, or ginger beer

Hell yes! on the airplane...cause then they'll give you the whole can. If you ask for cola they give you the crappy little cup half full of ice and that won't help with those damn pretzles!
tered said:
What the hell was I typing?
always = allows

I'm surprised this thread hasn't turn to the topic of poo or squid yet.

your prayers have been answered


YES!...now if we can get a little poo that should call this one complete.
I know CT is just waiting for the perfect moment to add to this. :)