Hey Retarded Penguin,

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
my brother likes your dancing penguin avatar:lol:...he also says "Screw you,you asshole."because he's just discovered to joys of profanity.And he's also laughing his ass off because I typed this.BTW,he's only 10...I think the kid would fit in quite well at this board:lol: of course,he might not be able to handle some of our more *mature* conversations...I'm sorry,pay no attention to me:devil:
I have to watch the kid more,so he has to get used to my swearing...I just try to tune it down around him...there's that whole issue w/my parents...
He's still here,by the way.He wants to see Penguin's avatar again.
that is a pretty fucking cool avatar. and im pretty sure i was cussin really early as well. damn litte foul mouth bastard haha.
taht reminds me of that band 'aqua' and their one hit about barbie. the chick in that band is fucking hot. anyone else remember that horrible song/video?
I remember the barbie song, I don't remember the video though... Someone on my floor played the song about a week ago... go figure.


The singer.