hey shitty things about today


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
* $50 parking ticket for parking in a restricted zone in the parking garage at my work. when i parked, i carefully got out and walked round to make sure there was no sign saying the zone was restricted or handicapped--nothing. apparently, the whole left second floor is restricted parking. the guard told me "just park in the garage" with the visitor pass he gave me. wtf.

* called RCN and found that they claimed to have sent the mailer i paid $15 for two months ago (to return an extra cable box in), even though i never got it. they will send another for free, but they refuse to credit me for the extra two months' rental of the cable box.

i hate too much to go searching for the "i hate" smiley.
* couldn't hear the professor in my class because he had a sore throat, and felt embarassed about continually asking him to speak up. so i wasted probably half of the 2.5 hours and i'm not sure what i missed about our assignments. also i think my hearing is shot from loud rock shows or something.
Not to my knowledge, but I certainly hope it is. I plan on using it in each and every sentence from now on.
"Yesterday I had a slice of cake and furunculate."
"Dude, he didn't wear a rubber and now he contracted furunculate!"
"Yesterday my grandma and I had a wonderful furunculate together."
And thats just a taste of what's to come!
xfer said:
* $50 parking ticket for parking in a restricted zone in the parking garage at my work. when i parked, i carefully got out and walked round to make sure there was no sign saying the zone was restricted or handicapped--nothing. apparently, the whole left second floor is restricted parking. the guard told me "just park in the garage" with the visitor pass he gave me. wtf.
Welcome to driving in Boston, Alex.
lizard, berklee has something similar to that as well. what happens is that the staff are supposed nominate outstanding people in offices to receive this recognition award with money and a trophy of sorts.

the downside is that you really have to be social with other people in other offices so that when it comes time they will remember you to nominate. but when you don't socialize with other offices like me, then you basically get screwed out of getting one even when i know i did more for the school than the people who won.

its a total popularity contest and i frankly don't care to try and win that way,
My car is kinda long + wide. So, I tried to straighten it out in the one lot near this side of campus. As I was doing this, people pulled into position to take the space. Most left when I waved them past. The token SUV driver showed up. End result: five minutes late.