Russell __ Jul 15, 2001 11,103 34 48 40 The starry attic Jan 11, 2004 #121 Do you still want a calcified baby?
coelacanth_M human plant/container Oct 17, 2003 889 0 16 45 Boston, MA Jan 11, 2004 #122 i'm always up for some calcified baby.
azal love is the answer Nov 12, 2002 10,888 16 38 43 Belgrade, Serbia Visit site Jan 11, 2004 #123 I don't know dudes, I kinda dig bangs.
coelacanth_M human plant/container Oct 17, 2003 889 0 16 45 Boston, MA Jan 11, 2004 #124 what about a lithopedion/calcified baby with bangs?
azal love is the answer Nov 12, 2002 10,888 16 38 43 Belgrade, Serbia Visit site Jan 11, 2004 #125 hmmm. as long as I can place my penis into it, I don't see any problems.
steak-knife New Metal Member Dec 26, 2003 319 1 0 50 the good auld archives haha Jan 11, 2004 #126 xfer said: maybe in steak-knife's corner of the world chinks are all asians, instead of just Chinese? Click to expand... theres probably more different breeds co-existing in my corner of the world than anywhere else.
xfer said: maybe in steak-knife's corner of the world chinks are all asians, instead of just Chinese? Click to expand... theres probably more different breeds co-existing in my corner of the world than anywhere else.
xfer I JERK OFF TO ARCTOPUS Nov 8, 2001 25,932 13 38 47 New York City Jan 11, 2004 #127 i don't think Chiaki's hot at all. in fact, i complained about it when i saw Battle Royale, like, couldn't they have found someone cuter?
i don't think Chiaki's hot at all. in fact, i complained about it when i saw Battle Royale, like, couldn't they have found someone cuter?
Russell __ Jul 15, 2001 11,103 34 48 40 The starry attic Jan 11, 2004 #128 Haha, I have minority tastes, rock! I always found Mitsuko the cutest in BR anyway..
7 Dying Trees Bastard Albino Elf Apr 18, 2002 3,138 13 38 47 The woodland fern Jan 19, 2004 #129 Bambi said: ah sure who has'nt at this stage?? so if he really plays in sony of filth he can answer this question: which ex member of COF once allegedly hung danni out of a window?? eh??:Smug: Click to expand... , yes, I do, still, I don't know the answer to your question although I could probably make a guess, despite if it's an ex member I won't have met them, as I haven't been about for that long...
Bambi said: ah sure who has'nt at this stage?? so if he really plays in sony of filth he can answer this question: which ex member of COF once allegedly hung danni out of a window?? eh??:Smug: Click to expand... , yes, I do, still, I don't know the answer to your question although I could probably make a guess, despite if it's an ex member I won't have met them, as I haven't been about for that long...