Hey Spawn

Spruce Goose

Then Goose me up woman!
Apr 17, 2001
Can you please do me a favour.
Next time you go to that metally heaven known as Utopia, can you please check the Dream Theater petition that is at the front desk thingey mabob and see roughly how many signatures are on there?
You dont have to actually stand there and count them all.... because, frankly, that might seem a little silly.. but a rough estimate on how many pages are done or whatever would be great.
I would do it myself, but it's too far to travel, and I know that you are just waiting for me to ask you favors all the time anyway, so I thought that I may as well make both of our christmasses come at once! :p

I need to know because we are going to start giving the promoters the sigs soon..... We have more than 1000 on the website alone.

Thanks mate :D
(are you still reading this, or heading down to Utopia????) :rolleyes:
Yep no worries at all, im going tomorrow (just to check the signatures of course, I wasnt planning to buy anything of course, but I may end up doing so as it would be pretty rude of me to leave without getting something :) )