Hey Sue!

i imagine this was before the pm. ive been looking at repo'ed houses and texas has alot of nice ones for dirt cheap. my mom has heart surgery later this month & is getting 2 valves replaced. i wont do any serious looking until we see how that goes...
even if the surgery goes well i dont know how im gonna keep my brother away from her until shes had some time to recover-haveing a pyscho freakin out in front of you makes it real hard to avoid stress...

id prefer your side and probably farther south-but not dead south by Robert where it's a million degrees... to soon to say what will happen, but it will pretty much take an act of god for this place to last more than a couple more months...
This side of Texas can get pretty hot. Plus, there's hurricanes, too...as I found out last summer. It's actually been unseasonably cool here the last couple days. I do love living here when there's not so much dadgum humidity.
we're haveing hotter weather than usual for this time of year. it's 6am here and it's already 70 degrees. we dont get hurricanes. plenty of winters we have constant rain for a couple weeks at a time-but it's very rare it actually rains hard. im 3.5 miles from the beach, it's allways humid here right now it's 60% humidity which is a low average no matter the temperature. it really sucks if you get a 95 degree day with 100% humidity. specially since i live on the jerry springer guests side of the tracks. railroad tracks are about 250 feet from here and after 80 years of train exhaust and oil and crap the dirt the tracks are on is like greasy extra fine sand and it blows around constantly-specially if the train goes by. high heat and humidity so between sweat and water in the air there's no way to stay dry-then ya get this grimey ass dirt sticking to you that feels grungy and 5 minutes after you shower you feel the same way...

i knew about heat and hurricanes and they wernt really issues. bigger considerations for me were not wanting to be in a town with population 200 and the only non hick being me. also being somewhere that there's more recreation than drinking beer and shooting at dirt...
Profånity said:
Texas sounds really cool.
ive lived most of my life in lawndale california where there are 15,000 people per square mile and the population is greatly diverse racially, economical and by age or most any other criteria imaginable.. there is a shopping mall about 400 yards from here. there are over 100 resturants within 2 miles and besides the standard fast food alot of them are family owned serveing food from peoples native cultures before they became americans. there are over 50 movie theatres within 3 miles. hermosa & redondo beaches are 3.5 miles from me. venice beach with socal's biggest selection of street performers and weirdos + has been used in more movies and tv shows than any other beach is 10 miles from here. hollywood is 25 miles north. disneyland is 27 miles southeast, vegas is 276 miles northeast...

my younger days sometimes id stay with relatives in elk point south dakota that has about 1500 people per mile and most are ecaucasion farmers and there are a few indians than work on the reservation. my family has lived there for 200 years and cuz of our history are very accepting of any race-but most are just the opposite. the white people are dumbass racists and most of the indians hate white people even more because it's the area where the government has the most and longest continual history of fucking the natives around... "town" in elk point is one block with a bar a 5 & dime(liqour store sized department store) an iga (liqour store sized supermarket) and a pharmacy that still has it's soda fountain from 1918-that's everything! it's quite a change from lawndale!

ive also stayed with my sister in placerville-the place where the discovery of gold at sutters mill started the california gold rush. her house is as big as the block i live on and her closest neighbors are a quarter mile away and unless you want to drive 45 minutes to go to sacremento there isnt jack shit to do!

then there was liveing with my oldest pal, speedfreak & his family in hermiston oregon. it's a boreing place and there isnt shit to do but except for meeting alf most of the time i spent there was great fun. that's my point to this novel-when you go to places that are so different to each other there is obviously going to have to be changes in yer pace & lifestyle, but where you are doesnt really matter-it's the people around you that make a place either great or suck...