Hey u all (and obviously Steve) few things bout THE MOTHMAN PROPHECIES


fan's incarnation
May 7, 2002
sardinia, Italy
Hello there again,

The Mothman Prophecies: I can only suggest u guys to go and check it out. I'm (ok I was) a big videogamer and a big Horror-sci/fi fanatic; Silent Hill (the PS game) inspired me truly in my soul and I love it to death. I saw the movie spot two weeks ago and I was blown away! Look, I'm serious, definetely my favourite director is George Andrew Romero, but Thie Mark Pellington guy kicks ass!
And also this movie recalls me these words I can't forget:

"whispers come as many regrets they've buried in the past...
voices from the black call to me
the eyes up in the void watching me...
the lights up in the sky...

Steve I think You should watch it !

metal greetings from ITALY
The mothman prophecies are a great motion picture, I was sceptic at first cause as lead character we have..tata..Richard "sleezy" Gere...but he actually work in the movie, and that's the only movie containing him that I can watch without womiting my soul...it's a very cool movie

mr V
and i have to say Gere fits perfectly his role in the mivie, altough i think Liam Neeson would have been the top....I had same doubts but in the end i found out he's ok for that...don't u think the story has some common bond with Silent Hill?

Hey Steve...YOU DID!
:D :worship: :headbang:
Ok, well if the Swedish Hippie says it's good now I'll have to go and check it out to get on the same page as you guys. Because I'm definitely curious how the anti-UFO lyrics I wrote for the song Unreality have anything to do with the flick.
Originally posted by Vintersorg
The mothman prophecies are a great motion picture, I was sceptic at first cause as lead character we have..tata..Richard "sleezy" Gere...but he actually work in the movie, and that's the only movie containing him that I can watch without womiting my soul...it's a very cool movie

mr V

Mind me asking who your fave actor/actress is?