hey, wasup!


New Metal Member
Sep 8, 2002
First off, I love heavy! Second, I love Iced Earth, Inflames, Opeth, Metallica, Slayer, The Crown, All That Remains, and all metal bands that don't suck!

Hobbies include anime, videogames, playing guitar, drawing, surfing the web. My favorite anime would have to be Record of Lodoss Wars. Second is Lain. Third is too hard to tell. I love lots of anime. I happen to be a sucker for the drama/sad/love stories and the violent/bloody/kill-your-whole-family-with-a-blunt-spoon types. I used to have a comic called StandAlone. It died... R.I.P. I am starting a new one. Hopefully it won't have the same fate.

I'm a freshmen in college at the University of North Florida. I get okay grades but I tend to play more video games than do homework. That is a BAD thing. VERY VERY bad thing! I'm a graphic design major and I plan to change it too a double major; multimedia/graphic design. That way I can do all kinds of fun stuff ranging from movie effects to animation to webpage design. Yupe, going to be an awesome 2 or 3 years working towards it!

PEACE! I'm out!