Hey wendy! a question and a hello lol

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
since this is actually the first post i made directed to ya... HELLO! lol
anyways, do you think you could ask Jeff to tab out Politics of Ecstasy and Tianenman Man for the website????
Hello dead6skin6mask6,

Well, I will ask but to be honest, i don't think he will
i am surpised he did any at all haha

Maybe other people on this forum can transcribe it
or maybe you should make a joined effort? That's what they are doing on Steve DiGiorgio's website.
He has been requesting shit for along time on this board, I quess loomis wants to sell a book on it...I mean do you really think FAULT OF THE FLESH the solos are anything new, come on...