hey you know what?

I've finished holidays now, so I have to go back to work, which means no internet :(
Thanks to everyone here for putting up with me for the last month, I have enjoyed catching up with some of you and meeting new people as well.
I may be able to get online on some weekends, but it will be for much shorter times.
I hope you all have a fulfilling time here and in your own lives while I am gone and I hope to get back here as soon as possible.
See as many concerts as you can and above all....enjoy your music \M/

Have fun at work. Uhm, I mean, hope to see you around in the weekends:)

Enjoy whatever you are going to do with your time now you don't have access to internet any more...I wouldn't know what to do...well except for reading a good book and listening to music, that is.
Or we could make this thread that thread. As that would rule out a competition and therefore maybe a considerably larger amount of 'useless' posts. But then again if it was a contest it would be easier to join in if you are new... So l say: "Marko, do your thing.":)