Hey you misserable pathetic bastards!


Apr 20, 2001
The bitch is back!:eek: :muahaha: :hotjump:

How my fave bbers are doing?

Iron, Eddy, Anssi, mr tokmak, barbi, tcall, Slashy?

Ivan and Juli?
How are you? I know about that wonderfull princes of yours! ;) :)

btw I see a lot of newbies around! :p
Hi guys!

Well I came back cos I've missed you!

Well I'd deceided to take a break from the bb in the begining because i've felt upset due to some things been said by a certain person! But that's ok now!

Then oh! I had an other reason to be busy! :) My new boyfriend! :) I'm in love! :)
Originally posted by Slash Freeman

how are you? we haven't spoken for a while! :hug:

Slashy I'm fine! Couldnt do better for the time being!

We didnt talk those 2 weeks because I was never online! :p

I was a bit... occupied! :grin: ;)

Too bad my dear is leaving tommorow! :(

I'll talk you soon on icq! :)
Originally posted by BARBARIAN

Listening too much skid row ,maybe??:grin: ;)

I actually I was listening to Therion and Cradle of Filth! :p

I was listening only 18 and Life by SR!:tickled: :spin:
Originally posted by dreamwatch

Tcall doesn't love you anymore - he told me so himself. He and Iron are moving in together, you missed your chance!! :tickled: :err: :loco:

eh? :loco:

So... I missed my chance eh? :rolleyes:
I feel so depressed!:waah:

Bit tcall shouldnt leave me for Iron!:waah: :mad:

I´m fine, thanks for asking, Chryss! :)

I´m still living in this commune of 12 people and I love it in here. This is the best time of my life, although my love life is like a Swedish comedy and I don´t have energy to study either! I haven´t been at home in over two weeks and the next time I´ll go will be after three weeks, but I don´t miss anything in there at the moment.
The sun almost never shows these days and it´s cold, but I feel happy, honestly!

I really should open a book and study right now
Hello Chris!!!!!

How are you doing???
I wanted to post sth here before, but, you know, I'm too busy lately :rolleyes:

Ivi, Athena and I are great, we're spending lots of nights awake... it's sooooooooooooooooo nice :err: :waah:

Oh, hope we can chat more in ICQ soon, I really miss our chats :D