
I post late at night too... I love the night. I sometimes stay awake until 2 A.M. I also finish my homework late at night and I still get good marks on the stuff. It is just that no one is awake during the night, so I feel like I have everything to myself.

I like penguins too. I am starting to wonder if penguins are a rock and metal animal. On this other forum, this one guy had an animated avatar of a penguin. I also once discussed carnivorous penguins there too.

I sound psychopathic now.
are you spying me????

I'm always flying here and there....I am a proud forum addict
just like you i guess...

I'm not spying you, it was just.. everywhere I went you were there :) :p

Yes, I'm addict but I deny it :rolleyes:
usually I can control my time spent here pretty well.
I don't like psychopatic 6-year olders. :p

ChromeLife: What a heck is a Platipus?? :confused: Sounds like something related to diarhyea... :ill: :guh:

-Villain (who just woke up at 1.30 pm)
Originally posted by Everlost
I guess ChromeLife was referring to Platypus. You know. The animal.


Aa, you mean that Platypus - they taste good, don't they..? :dopey:

-Villain (who still has no clue)
i post any time 'cause i have nothing to do and it's too hot to go out. i also post too much. :D but leisure will end and soon i'll be gone :spin:

@Villain: that's a Platypus. In spanish we call them Ornitorrincos... :err:

i like animals but things that move and are smaller than me, give me the creeps :cry:
i like the night too, i usually stay up 'til 4am (most times against my will :zzz: )

i think i covered all the topics discussed in this thread, it can die now :)

i also like Current 93 :Saint:
Thanks Astarte! If I'm not mistaken, that thing in your picture is called "vesinokkaeläin" in finnish, which would translate as something like "waternoseanimal"(!!!) - which sounds VERY stupid... :hypno:

Anyway, I'm going to get some sleep now - goodnight everyone!

Hm, Platypous most probably is a greek word (uhm, not most probably, it sure as hell is :grin: ) and it would translate as "Wide-Foot" or smt.

That other word "Ornitorrincos" looks a lot like another greek word, "Ornithorinchos" which would translate as "Hen-nose" or smt.... Hope i'm not wrong :err:

I don't know how someone would call that animal in greece, it is a very strange animal indeed....

And i like elephants, but i guess you already know that :dopey:
so Platypus are Ornitorrincos :))))))) glad to know...I thought our word for that was a foreigner word.....who the hell would call them that way if it wasn't becuase it was their name in other country???

btw: then I like everything that gives astarte creeps :p