

New Metal Member
Mar 15, 2010
Maybe you've already seen me around, but better late than never. I'm AlexJess, from Southcoast Metalcore and hardcore scene in Massachusetts. Don't get that wrong, though. Just because I listen to some scene stuff and rock the look, doesn't mean I'm not all for my metal roots just like my punk roots. My list of faves is gigantic, spanning a multivolume encyclopedia, but toning it down to basics and taking out huge-ass obvious ones (Twisted Sister, the Big Four, etc) I'm into some black metal like Gorgoroth (who may or may not be true black anymore, cba to break it down) and Bathory, love my sleaze (Vains of Jenna, Dirty Penny, W.A.S.P.), love my death (Cannibal Corpse, Cattle Decap/techdeath?) and plenty of power metal (HammerFall, PowerGlove, yeah).

Above what I listen to, I'm also an aspiring vocalist in an aspiring band. We're closing up to finish our line-up, and after we get some good recordings, I'll post the myspace for you guys to check out.
