
Hey, I guess I'm also new, I signed up last night but it was late and I was like on the verge of passing out, so I figured I'd wait until today to post.

I'm 15 in a few days and live in New Jersey. I'm kind of new to metal, and Skyfire's actually the band that got me into it (specifically "Dimensions Unseen"), and still remains my favorite. I also like In Flames, Children of Bodom (although I don't specifically like the path either of them are taking, but I trust them...), Thyrfing, Lost Horizon, and a lot of other ones that I'm too lazy to list.

I've faced persecution in school for my taste in music... The funny part is they think I care... I'm glad I finally found a place where real music is appreciated.
Originally posted by froosch

I've faced persecution in school for my taste in music... The funny part is they think I care... I'm glad I finally found a place where real music is appreciated.

:lol: sound like me 2 years ago man....in fact my friends still give me shit about not liking nu-metal anymore...mainly because their nu-metal fans :p

Anyway, glad you found the real deal. Welcome to the board!