Heyy new song


New Metal Member
Apr 28, 2008
Its called From The Grave by From The Throne.

Tell me what you guys think. I swear itll be an easier download this time :]. And I know some of you guys might hate or whatever but I truly appreciate all the help and tips I find on here. The respect I have for what you guy do and the knowledge and experience you have compare to me is mammoth.

Guitars and Bass definatly need to go up. The vocals kick and snare dominate the mix.

Give it a bit more of a mix and it could sound pretty solid, try thickening up that guitar sound it sounds very thin atm and also watch the snare velocities during the rolls there quite uneven and very loud theres obviously a gate not letting all the hits through, also try whacking a bit more compression on the snare to bring down the level of the rolls.

Im also fairly new to recording so im not sure how valid all my points are but i hope this helps