I had a tazer once, bought it off a mate for £20, who got it from "some guy in a pub". I want another one.
i took the capacitor out of a disposable camera, when fully charged it gives a serious whack, hmm just thinking there now, i wonder what would happen if you daisy chained them....
The one I had was supposed to give 50,000 volts from a 9v rabbit battery... I don't quite get that, but science & magic was never my strong point... it fucking hurt when I did it on my arm, though....
those are different to tazers i think, tazers fire pins attached to wires that run back to the charge in the gun so you get a lot more bang for your buck
Light said:
The one I had was supposed to give 50,000 volts from a 9v rabbit battery... I don't quite get that, but science & magic was never my strong point... it fucking hurt when I did it on my arm, though....
:lol: you tazered yourself? on purpose?! yikes!
they always boast about how many volts they can push out of a battery, them tazer people, but it's the currency that kills. and most 9v batteries don't have that kind of punch in them under normal circumstances.