Hi everybody

Mr. Shred-ididle

Its Chinese-Tilt ya' head
Jan 25, 2003
(hi docter nick - simpsons)

This post is just bassicly telling you who I am, praise for poo:grin:, And some questions,

The other day I found a link on some progsite

"Power Of Omens - the brightest hope for progressive metal since Symphony X and Opeth. Very technical, caotic, atmospheric, melodic prog"

Wow I cheacked it out. And downloaded 2 songs (another one coming) and experienced the greatest musical shock since i heard Symphony X.
I'll definately get the album as soon as I can.

I love the odd-time kinda "tribal" drumming. Very original. And the proggy-technical 7-string riffs that kinda remind me of Watchtower with some melody. And the whole atmosphere.
So hear I am.

About me, well I'm thirteen and live in gold coast, Australia. I'm that "guitar freek that listens to shit no one else does" at school.

I'm a total shred-head (hence name) and prog-head (hence the forum that I'm posting on) I play guitar about 2-3 hours a day and not meaning to brag, but i'm pretty advance allready (well for my age at least).

For the questions

Dave, how do you do that solo on As winter falls. is it some tapped-string skipping or legato. Is a tab for that little section possible?

Also who played keboards for your new album? Why did he leave who's your new keyboardist....

Thanks for all the graet music,
>Mr. Shred-'...
Welcome Shred-ididle!

It's always great to see more Power Of Omens fans, especially so young! I have hope for the future of music that shreds!

You should also pick up PofO's first CD "Eyes of the Oracle", as it is also a classic!

Anyways, welcome to the board!

Hey Mr. Shred!!!!
Please forgive me for not responding sooner...I spent my entire weekend moving into my new place... so I'm just now being able to get to my e-mails and message board postings :grin:

It's great to see you hanging out on the board. :) ...and thank you so much for the cool words. It's always cool to hear from a new fan (especially someone as young as yourself)...and feel free to post as often as you like here.

As for the guitar solo in 'As Winter Falls', it's basically split into three sections...
1) The fast scalular runs in the first part
2) a play on a pre-existing melody from the first verse of the song
3) and finally a slur of legato pick/sliding notes. (It's a technique used alot in Flamenco music; where you pick the note, slide it to the next note, pick that note, and slide it to another note.) It creates a sort of slurring legato melody. ;)

As soon as I get some free time (hopefully sometime this week) I will tab it out and post it on the website.

As for the keyboards, we used to have a keyboardist by the name of Andrew Sanchez, who's played with the band on a couple of live performances, and recorded a couple of solos for the new CD...however, all of the keys on this CD (as well as the first) were done by yours truly :) I wrote all of the tracks, sequenced them for click track purposes, and tracked everything except for the two solos that Andrew did.
The unfortunate reason Andrew left the band was due to his work schedule, which made it difficult for him to contribute his time. As of late, we do not have a keyboardist, but there is someone that we have been talking to...so hopefully that will eventually work out. :cool:

Thanx dudes.
Its great to feel welcome on a forum for once.

This is definately the best forum I've been on asthe actual band members post on it.MEGA-SICK

I've been listening to a new downloaded song "toast to mankind" and its awsome. Especially the singers performance (I'm soo sorey for forgetting his name, Im still new to the band)

Is there any good places on the net or distributers that I can get "RoA" or "EotO". There will definately be nooooooo(!) cd shops here that will have in the next few months and I can't wait that long.

>Mr. Shred-'...
Mr. Shred-ididle said:
Thanx dudes.
Its great to feel welcome on a forum for once.

Heya Mr. Shred,

Glad you feel welcomed here...we have a great bunch of people that post to this board...and I feel very lucky to have them here. :) It's really cool that you're enjoying the new tunes. As for the guys in the band, it will be pretty easy to get to know us...there are only three names to remember ;) :Chris (We have two of them: Vocalist and Bassist...heheh), Alex (Drummer), and myself Dave (Guitars & Keys).... Chris, the vocalist, is the only one who does not frequent this board due to his PC problems...however, the rest of us do post on here as much as we can. :grin: In regards to online distributors, we actually have a whole list of on-line vendors on our site:


But if all else fails, I would suggest getting in touch with Deron at MetalAges...he'll definitely take care of you. ;)


One thing though, our first CD, is almost impossible to find... you can try Ebay (www.ebay.com), every now and then it will pop up...however, we're going to have that taken care of by re-recording it and releasing it on MetalAges Records later this year.


np: Evergrey - The Great Deceiver (Recreation Day)
diospada said:
what kind of music is POO????

Hey there Diospada,

Our music is consider complex progressive metal (some say it may even border technical)... I'll just stick with complex ;) Older reviews compared us to Queensryche because of the vocals, and Fates Warning & Dream Theater because of the music. I think we've pulled away from that mold a bit with our new CD...of course the vocals will always be somewhat of a Queensryche comparison though.

There are some mp3s on our website if you'd like to check them out:
Just go to our media/MP3 page, and there are selections from both of our CDs.

I hope you find our music is something you can get into. :grin:


np: Evergrey - I'm Sorry (Recreation Day)