Hi everyone I m a guitarist /sound engineer from france


New Metal Member
Nov 29, 2017
Hi everyone
just find out this forum and I m thrilled to be a part of your community

First of all I m French and right now I m living in Beijing.

Here its a bit hard to find musician with whom I can share my passion concidering the language barrier.
here are few of the project I had through the years
Lost in haze
(Weird frankenstein metal this is a live back in 2011)
Xibalba ( Polyrythmic expirimental shit)
Dismembrance https://dismembrance.bandcamp.com/releases (Weird Metal one man project 2016)
I also started a music studio in France 10 years ago and I m planning on starting a new one here in beijing.
(there is some of the bands that we recorded through the years)
When we started the studio we first needed money to buy gear for the studio, so we started to record every band that were around us.
I m not really proud of every album that we did with this studio but there some that deserve to be known like Norwalk https://soundcloud.com/norwalk_band a thrashy metal band which I warmly recommand

hoping to have some good collaboration here and to contribute to everyone s work
nice to meet you all.

ps Im currently looking for a bass player to finish the recording of the second ep with my project Dismembrance so if there is one of you out there that is interested let me know.
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