Hi from Aus!


Jul 12, 2008
Hi all,

am from Australia. Only a newbie metal head being that I was a grunge head during the 1990's, then into industrial and industrial influenced techno from 1998 to now... last year my old brother rpassed away in an accident, and for his legacy to me I got his cd collection... lots of old school rock, grunge and metal... his metal was mostly the popular stuff like Metallica, Judas Priest, Slayer Pantera, Opeth and the only really kinda heavy one was Bloodbath... just this week I've dived into a small bit of death metal and I"m in love haha... Cannibal Corpse, Nile and Suffocation so far...

Looking for more death metal bands and to learn bass guitar, just interested in general to become a bit more of part of the metal culture... my big plan is to pack my bags within the next two years and do the European festival tours as well...

Cheers :kickass:
Heya... originally I'm from Melbourne then in 2006 I lived in Japan for a year, which was hard coz the missus was living back here... then I moved to Canberra where she works in 2007... plan to move back to Melbourne next year... which will be hard coz the guys I"m gonna be jamming with live here... and it's an 8 hour drive away :(
Yeah Japan was fun... pretty crazy culture, very much a mix of the ancient and modern... gret musically, back then I was into both electronic psychedelic music and a bit of metal... went to some awesome festivals for both style, Loud Park for metal... line up included Napalm Death and Slayer... Yeah the missus will most likely come to Melbourne as well...
Obituary, Morbid Angel and Death are some bands you simply must check out, some of the pioneers of death metal along with Death the ones who practically invented it. Go check those out. Welcome to the forums, I hope you have a nice stay here.


Obituary: World Demise and The End Complete

Morbid Angel: Altars of Madness and Domination

Death: Scream Bloody Gore and Individual Thought Patterns

Some albums you should check out, but these are only suggestions.
Cheers for all the replies!

And Mr C.C... will get them this Thursday on pay day... an some others.. whilst I love death and thrash metal, I want to delve a wee bit into all the sub-genres so that I get a good experience of what it is all about :D

Cheers again!