Hi from Italy by a spanish girl!

Alicia Maria

New Metal Member
Jan 24, 2013
Zaragoza (Spain)
Hi everyone!

First of all, sorry... my english is not very perfect... actually it´s really bad.
I´m from Spain, but i´m living this year in Italy (Bologna) because of my erasmus.
I´m studying archeology.
I love music, and i love to sing, specially song from my favourite bands (Nightwish, Sonata Arctica, Rhapsody of Fire, Epica...)
I used to play the piano, but long time ago. (I would like to have the time and play again) and also i would like to play violoncello! (Because of Apocalyptica, yes!)
And well, this is me!!:

I don´t know what can i see... if you want more information, check my profile or ask me!

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