hi guys


chaos architect
hi ultimate metal guys, i´m from chile southamerica and i´d get bored from the national metal forums....why?...because they are full of negative people, but as it seems here theres a lot of cool and openminded people...i´m the singer of a melodic death metal band called BURNING DUSK .. i hope you know it , but if you don´t I have a pleny of time to show you... we recorded a demo the 2001 and we send it to Emi, and we are going to send it a new one , so we hope thatit will have better luck....anyway the next year we are going to recorded independantly our first album , so we hope that some label will be interested in released...I hope that the the guys of code 666 interest because they are such a great independant label... have you seen the new website?! it´s amazing

You change both here. To have an avatar upload it and put the url in where it says User Avatar: Your chosen avatar. Please add the FULL URL. Example: http://yourdomain.com/avatar.gif then just click submit modifications at the bottom. It automatically makes them 100*100 I think. To have an image in the text just use image tags - and [ /img] (without the gap ;) )..

If that doesn't help then either the site you've uploaded the images to doesn't allow remote linking or its server is down, and if neither of those is true I don't think I'll be able to help you, lol :)
:eek: Mulciber, you spelt the good man's name wrong!!

Anyway, to get an avatar (image at the left side of the post), you'll have to find a picture and host it yourself (try www.tripod.co.uk, although there are loads more sites that do it). Go to Profile (top-left of this page), Edit Profile, scroll right to the bottom, and copy/paste the url of the hosted image into the User Avatar box, and click Submit Modifications. But you might need to have a certain number of posts before it'll work (not sure about this...).

To insert an image into your post, click the IMG button (it's on the screen where you type out your post), and copy/paste the url of the image into the box that comes up. :D

[edit]And now I'm really pissed off... that bastard got in first. :mad: Could've saved me a lot of typing... :bah:[/edit]
Originally posted by Rusty
:eek: Mulciber, you spelt the good man's name wrong!!

Anyway, to get an avatar (image at the left side of the post), you'll have to find a picture and host it yourself (try www.tripod.co.uk, although there are loads more sites that do it). Go to Profile (top-left of this page), Edit Profile, scroll right to the bottom, and copy/paste the url of the hosted image into the User Avatar box, and click Submit Modifications. But you might need to have a certain number of posts before it'll work (not sure about this...).

To insert an image into your post, click the IMG button (it's on the screen where you type out your post), and copy/paste the url of the image into the box that comes up. :D

[edit]And now I'm really pissed off... that bastard got in first. :mad: Could've saved me a lot of typing... :bah:[/edit]


Anywho, of all the christmas cards we got this year (I never send them myself ;) ) only like three had my name spelled right :eek: One even managed Rustle, which took the piss slightly ;)
Originally posted by Russell

Anywho, of all the christmas cards we got this year (I never send them myself ;) ) only like three had my name spelled right :eek: One even managed Rustle, which took the piss slightly ;)
I remember being called Rustle on a Chrimbo card, but the chap who did it was only about 8 at the time. :rolleyes: I've also had Russel, Rusell, Rusel, Rusle, Russle, Russlle, uh... Rissole, and a few others I can't remember. :D
Originally posted by Rusty
I remember being called Rustle on a Chrimbo card, but the chap who did it was only about 8 at the time. :rolleyes: I've also had Russel, Rusell, Rusel, Rusle, Russle, Russlle, uh... Rissole, and a few others I can't remember. :D

Exactly, the best name the human race has ever come up with, and many people can't even spell it ;)

Originally posted by Russell
Exactly, the best name the human race has ever come up with, and many people can't even spell it ;)

Yeh, but you must remember that the name is so special that we don't want just any rabble spelling it. :D