Hi guyz!!! Greetings from Västerås!

by the looks of it you should kick Henriks ass! er......not to say uh, Henrik couldnt kick anyones ass its just..........

Damn. If he was a midget, you would have been the metal band! I mean come on... a growling midget!!! You can't get much better than that. No sirree bob! :hotjump:

Seriously though, you guys would kick so much more ass were he a midget. But since he isn't, I'm going to have to blame Henrik for everything. Why couldn't he have been a few inches/a foot shorter?!? Bah! :D

By the way, how tall are you?
blame him for what man, besides a few production issues i have, i thought Timeless Departure was flawless!!!

Skyfire is incapable of mistake :lol:

how tall IS Henrik, like 5'3 or something lol