Hi hat in snare mic


Noisey B*****d
Dec 5, 2005
Hi guys

Has anybody found a cure for getting rid of the hihats in the snare mic yet? I've tried all of the usual ideas such as mic positioning, gates, automating the gate and editing the snare track waveform but I'm sometimes still getting that backward cymbal kind of sucking sound after some snare hits.

I remember in the big drum recording thread by Glenn "Oz" Fricker that he recorded the hi-hat track and hinted that he had something special in store for it later on! Was this to do with manipulating the phase so as to get the hi-hat out of the snare track?

Thanks guys
Raise the High Hats up, don't play them super open and don't hit them so fucking hard. And Glen miced the high hats so he could send them back out to the drummer at a slightly louder volume than the rest of the drums so the drummer wouldn't hit them so hard.

As a total newb myself I have not had issues with exsesive bleed like people have complained about.
Thanks guys :)

Yeah, dead right, but I like to compress the snare pretty hard with the UAD-1 1176, which obviously makes the problem worse. Thats why I was curious about maybe using reverse phase on a copy of the snare or hihat track to try and get rid of it that way, so was wondering if anybody else had tried it??

Thanks again
Physical separation is your best bet. On both vertical & horizontal planes. Honestly, these days, it's not really that much of an issue.

And, if the drummer still hits the hats too loud, run the hi hat mic back thru the headphones at an extreme level without telling him so. He'll back off, I guarantee it. :)

Physical separation is your best bet. On both vertical & horizontal planes. Honestly, these days, it's not really that much of an issue.

And, if the drummer still hits the hats too loud, run the hi hat mic back thru the headphones at an extreme level without telling him so. He'll back off, I guarantee it. :)


LOL! Nice one Oz :rock:

Totally agree and I'm gonna be much more aware of the hat in future sessions, problem is I'm mixing a session at the moment and the snare sounds cool but the hats keep 'sucking' in the snare track every so often. Oz, have u experimented with phase in this situation?

LOL! Nice one Oz :rock:

Totally agree and I'm gonna be much more aware of the hat in future sessions, problem is I'm mixing a session at the moment and the snare sounds cool but the hats keep 'sucking' in the snare track every so often. Oz, have u experimented with phase in this situation?


Nope. Never had to. I'd rather have the drummer play it right than have me try to fix something later. 99% of the drum sound comes from the drummer. Be harsh. Be brutal. Be merciless. He'll thank you later.


BTW, what do you call a drummer in a 3 piece suit?

The Defendant. :heh:

That's from Neil Peart's book, "Roadshow." What a great read!
Nope. Never had to. I'd rather have the drummer play it right than have me try to fix something later. 99% of the drum sound comes from the drummer. Be harsh. Be brutal. Be merciless. He'll thank you later.


BTW, what do you call a drummer in a 3 piece suit?

The Defendant. :heh:

That's from Neil Peart's book, "Roadshow." What a great read!
nice drummer joke... here's my fave:

what do you do when your drummer is stumbling around your rehearsal room, screaming and bleeding on everything?

You stop laughing and take better aim with your second shot.
Nope. Never had to. I'd rather have the drummer play it right than have me try to fix something later. 99% of the drum sound comes from the drummer. Be harsh. Be brutal. Be merciless. He'll thank you later.


BTW, what do you call a drummer in a 3 piece suit?

The Defendant. :heh:

That's from Neil Peart's book, "Roadshow." What a great read!

Hehe, what is 3-legged and has the arse at the very top?

-the drumstool...

(doesn't translate too good in english though ;) )--
Try sticking one of those Auralex foam things over the snare mic - they're designed for minimizing bleed.

yeah i do the same, this idea works even better combined with OZ's tip.
It also helps to eliminate the little tom bleed on the snare mic.
I use these on tom mics too, to isolate each tom from each other and from cymbals (mainly the floor tom beneath the ride cymbal)

Ok, looks like I'll be investing in some Auralex to put on the mics, thanks guys.

Hey, maybe I can reverse the phase on the drummer and he'll disappear :rock: