"hi i'm george lucas and i'm a DICK"


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
'I'm making the movies'

Q: Why not release both the originals and special editions on DVD?

LUCAS: The special edition, that's the one I wanted out there. The other movie, it's on VHS, if anybody wants it. ...

I'm not going to spend the, we're talking millions of dollars here, the money and the time to refurbish that, because to me, it doesn't really exist anymore. It's like this is the movie I wanted it to be, and I'm sorry you saw half a completed film and fell in love with it. But I want it to be the way I want it to be.

Lucas has often said he was unhappy with the original trilogy as it was released.​

I'm the one who has to take responsibility for it. I'm the one who has to have everybody throw rocks at me all the time, so at least if they're going to throw rocks at me, they're going to throw rocks at me for something I love rather than something I think is not very good, or at least something I think is not finished.

Q: Do you pay much attention to fan reactions to your choices?

LUCAS: Not really. The movies are what the movies are. ... The thing about science-fiction fans and "Star Wars" fans is they're very independent-thinking people. They all think outside the box, but they all have very strong ideas about what should happen, and they think it should be their way. Which is fine, except I'm making the movies, so I should have it my way.
I saw these DVDs last Tuesday...horrible, simply horrible. One of the worst things was how he ADDED plot holes and incongruities instead of fixing them!

For example, he changed the Emperor's speech to Vader. Previously, the Emperor said something like "Now this Skywalker is our greatest foe" and Vader was like "Yes, my lord". Now the Emperor says something like "I have found out who our greatest foe is: the son of Anakin Skywalker" and Darth Vader is all like "Are you sure?!?!" Basically they changed it so instead of Vader finding out who Luke was off-camera, he finds out in front of your eyes so you can see his reaction.


Earlier in the movie, Vader is on a Star Destroyer looking at a computer screen and says something about "Skywalker is hiding there, on that planet". So he KNEW well before the Emperor "told" him. wtg!
well, if you're referring to the fact that the old, fat, jolly Anakin Skywalker ghost was replaced, inexplicably, by the young, handsome Hayden Christiansen (even though the Obi-Wan and Yoda ghosts remain old)....confirmed!!
You know... Lucas had this friend named Joseph Campbell. The guy was an expert on mythology and he really liked Lucas' usage of archetypes. So I'm thinking if we revived him as a zombie and showed him Ep I+II, he'd eat Lucas in a fit of rage.
My favorite Lucas moment is when they made fun of him on Mad TV some years ago (that big dude that is no longer big played Lucas). I can't do the skit justice, but Skywalker Ranch was some rundown house with a bad lawn, and he spent his days going to the local fast food joint on his golf cart. Also, he was insane.
having a mother who still sees me as 'her baby', i'm guessing i'll get them for a birthday. especially since she has this horrific condition where she cannot resist buying any dvd on a sales display. like, she owns Kill Bill, Secret Window, Master and Commander, and about 200 rather unlikely titles, most of which remain unopened- anything on sale at WalMart/Sam's.
i once tried to explain the crap WalMart inflicts upon the companies it works with, but she was all "But it's cheap!". if she did this at a store with a selection like nicheflix, it'd be much cooler. still, it's a good library to borrow from, which i believe is why she does it.