Hi, I'm new and...

Norse Wrath

Mar 8, 2005
Hi everyone! I'm italian!
I followed this forum for a long time and now, finally, I'm registered...

I wanted to know if anyone have the address of each member of the band...

Thanks all and skål!
welcome Norse Wrath, and yeah the band members wouldnt post their mail address, they'de get too much shit from fans if they did.

TheLastWithPaganBlood said:

i dont get it :p
Norse Wrath said:
Hi everyone! I'm italian!
I followed this forum for a long time and now, finally, I'm registered...

I wanted to know if anyone have the address of each member of the band...

Thanks all and skål!

I hope you are a very crazy italien like one of my friends... :D
Stay heavy skål!
hey...I'm sorry...but I have just registered a few days ago...so I really don't have any of the requested addresses...
All your base never dies!

Hey btw my name is Knut, I'm new too like that Italian guy.
Corporal @ Norwegian Armed forces, 19 years (and 11 months and 2 weeks!1) of age, baby blue eyes, brown (short due to army =[ ) hair, not too tall, not too heavy, looking for a lke-minded person to share kids and home with call Tanja on 0-800-68.. wtf :?

Hail Amon Amarth!1
panzerKunt said:
All your base never dies!

Hey btw my name is Knut, I'm new too like that Italian guy.
Corporal @ Norwegian Armed forces, 19 years (and 11 months and 2 weeks!1) of age, baby blue eyes, brown (short due to army =[ ) hair, not too tall, not too heavy, looking for a lke-minded person to share kids and home with call Tanja on 0-800-68.. wtf :?

Hail Amon Amarth!1

Not too heavy??
I hope you like heavy music :headbang:
So welcome and hail to AA!!!!!