Hi Karen

Hi Jim!!! :wave:

Skiing is awesome!! Colorado rules. Powder snow, wonderful slopes, Love it.
Tomorrow is my last day skiing though... I had wonderful 10 days.

How are you? :)
New town? New job?
wow, we havn't talked in a while...
do tell!!
I moved to Tempe/Phoenix. I have a job as an academic counselor at the University of Phoenix Online. So far so good, only started on January 2nd. Didn't even have much time to adjust to the settings, I had two days from moving until starting work, been pretty non-stop since. But I am enjoying the weather.
Jim, I'm happy you moved into a new place and a new job.
I think a new start is great!

How's Tempe? Like it?

I have no idea why I can't login from here all of a sudden...
silly UM...

Jim: I have your CDs in my car: so far I love it!!
It's not bad, Tempe I mean. Some of the worst drivers in existence, but its good for increasing one's reaction time. Especially if you are bold enough to walk anywhere. There's a lot of culture in this part of the valley because of the proximity of ASU and other such things. Good food abounds.

Sweet, glad you like. have you listened to both?