My weekend was fun! (black diamond slope!)


May 31, 2002
Arlington, Virginia
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This weekend was my ultimate get away from school/ work/ life/ pressure
off to do one of my favorite things in the world....

I swear one of these days I will get into snowboarding as well, but for now, I'm exploring my great abilities in skiing, and I'm loving every minute of it!
My buddy Dave has a cabin on SnowShoe Mountain in West Virginia (good news....
no one from West Virginia actually goes there... thank goatness)
It was quit spontaneous to just pack up our gear and drive those bloody 4 hours for a weekend of fun.
(I even skipped school on Wednesday! hard to believe since I'm such a nerd who never misses out a class!)
We were about 9-10 people, most of them were snowboarders, minus two
skiers "ferners" who always used to ski in Europe (i.e.: skiers, AKA myself and my buddy Trevor)

Through the entire weekend, we got around 20" of snow, which is A-LOT!
East coast snow is notoriously known as icy and crusty and west coast people call
East coasters “snow goats” for skiing ice and being able to stand in the middle of a cliff
Where its all ice, instead of snow…
Now, being used to the East coast snow and all…. (I have lived here for 2 years and been skiing here for about… 6-7 times)
Doesn’t mean I like it!
So getting 20” of fresh snow, and be an early bird and be on the slopes 10 minutes before they open the first lift (that’s 8:30am for you)
Means: VIRGIN SNOW and a lot a lot of powder!
I love it.. there is nothing more relaxing than being with yourself on the slopes
And ski your way and just do your thing… so relaxing, so pretty… so quiet…
Skiing powder though, is so much easier… yet more challenging…
While skiing ICE means you have to work your thighs like never before, since you have to slalom through it and put so much pressure into your skies…
(the long skinny skies won’t work well on ice…. The shorter ones will, which is why I need to rent skies here, I own a pair of long skinny ones, also known as: “powder skies”)
Anyhoo: skiing powder is so much easier! There is so much more friction between you and your skies, and when you turn: you gracefully turn your way between the powders… what a sweet thing that was, to explore virgin snow… some of the slopes were not even TOUCHED.
Next year: I am going to the west coast to ski. I’m sick of this ice, although…. Its harder… I somewhat think powder ice is challenging just because after an hour or two of people skiing the slopes, you have so many little “hills” that you just fly in the air between each one of them, and it can make you fall, plus try to slalom beween them I dare ya… ahhh I love skiing, its so much fun!….
But, enough about me………. Pictures: ,

It was 4 degrees!



You can't even tell its me... thats the best part.


Can you see my skies sticking from the bottom of the pic?


Thats one of the "begginers" slopes, probbaly one of the few slopes I can actually have
time between skiing to stand in the middle, take my camera out, set it up and click.....

and it was the ONLY TWO HOURS OF SUN!


Taking a break at noon, and realizing that every beer in West Virginia is
"Bud, Bud Light, Amstel Light, Miller Lite, Coors Light, New Castle..." yada yada yada... in other words: shitty beer. so this was my option...
ahhh memories of lovely Holland............ :erk:


My favorite "travel" snack. I don't leave the house for travelling without it.
I'm telling you... IT IS EVIL.


My Friend Amy
(Lioness with no make up)

Some of my crazy snowboarders friends....
just so you know..
I did something REALLY dumb before taking this picture, although I am not sharing the information here. :cool:

I just love cold weather... so much more interesting

ahhhhh being exhausted after a full day of activities...

Can you see my Raiders beanie???

Not quit a Lioness.....

Where's D_Lioness??????... Doing the Christian sign, almost.... just upside down?
Looks great. I'm even more tempted to just head up north one day to the mountains and have a go at snowboarding (been wanting to ever since my early teens).

Great pictures. Thanks for giving me a glimpse of the snow again (we don't get much of it here).

Btw, in the first pic you look like the coolest girl-ninja ever.
I fucking hate winter, cold, snow, 36 layers of clothes and so on.
the pictures are beautiful! :)
glad you had a great time. :D

- the always glad :p
Snowshoe is cool, havent been there in years. This picture reminds me of me making an ass of myself learning to ski:


EDIT- I just realized this was the weekend I was supposed to go to snowshoe too, had to cancel it because of damn college this week.
oh!!That's so fucking great!!I just have no words to describe that unbelivable feeling when Im sitting exhausted drinking beer in front of a fireplace after a day full of snowboarding....excepling that gay overtone of this word-it is simply fabulous!!:Spin:
though i'm not much of a physical-activity-of-any-kind person, i adore winter weather. we just got this huge random blizzard here and my dad drove me to work last night so i got to just stare out the car window admiring how beautiful this little hick-town looks covered with almost a foot of snow *sighs*

Karen the make-up-less ski-ninja = still hotter than most make-up wearing non-ski ninjas.