Hi Wenda!


Apr 14, 2001
Ive been checking the board every so often this morning and you have been here every time! I figured you must be waiting for someone to reply to something so you have something to do, so here you go, go nuts!
Why did you pick Wenda for your name anyway? Wheres it from?

We Exterminate Naughty Dogs Alone?
Did you just spell "DreamTheaterGirl6969" wrong?
Was it that you wanted a five letter word too, just like your favourite cookie maker?
wend ( P ) Pronunciation Key (wnd)
v. wend·ed, wend·ing, wends
v. tr.
To proceed on or along; go: wend one's way home.

v. intr.
To go one's way; proceed.

Are you one who is always proceeding perhaps?
She left.


Phloggy turned up 10 seconds later. Has anyone ever seen phloggy and Wenda in the same room together? If so, were they the same person?
A cunning stratagem, but one I can see right through... You could just take the piercings out and then take a photo!

You have to get up pretty damn early to put one over Spawno my friend.
spawn said:
Ive been checking the board every so often this morning and you have been here every time! I figured you must be waiting for someone to reply to something so you have something to do, so here you go, go nuts!


I think that must have been because I had the UM window open, got busy, and forgot to close it, so I've been idling here :) But thank you for my very own thread!

As for the name...I first started using the internet when I was about fifteen, at around the same time as I started going out with my first boyfriend. His name was Mathew Wallis, colloquially known as Wally. When I was looking to take my first internet pseudonum, I wanted to associate it with him in some way, as you may expect from a lovestruck fifteen year old girl. In the Where's Wally series of books, Wally's girlfriend's name is Wenda. Hence, the name, which has stuck firmly. :)
I guess mine is fairly obvious. My other screen name which is in my email and journal and a few other things (stonedead) is the one I get asked about on occasion. It is from Motorhead's "Stone Dead Forever", my all time fav song. I have had a few people think it was stoned 'ead, because I used to have this reputation of being a stoner, which is quite silly, as anyone who actually knows me will know otherwise.
There is a comic book called Spawn that I used to buy all the time, but I stopped at issue 132. I still play with the action figures though. It sure beats playing with myself.