
Sep 11, 2011
Melbourne, Australia
I'm not sure if I did one of these when I first signed up, so just in case... Hello.

I like grindcore mostly. Insect Warfare, Mumakil, The Kill, Yacopsae, Nasum, Shitgrinder, Agoraphobic Nosebleed, Wojczech. Stuff like that. Don't mind a bit of death metal too, especially bands like Portal, Psycroptic, Bolt Thrower, Nile, and even good old Cannibal Corpse. Outside of metal I do love me some Skinny Puppy style industrial.

I also do some music (for certain definitions of the term...) under the name Disinterested Handjob. Generally just offensively badly played and poorly conceived grindcrap. I'll probably spam any new stuff we put out. In the meantime go browse the extensive backcatalogue at https://disinterestedhandjob.bandcamp.com. Content may offend.