
New Metal Member
Jan 11, 2012
Hi, I dont usually post on message boards and such but first I wanna say hello to everyone.

Secondly - where the hell have I been. I just recently (maybe 3 weeks ago) got into Amon Amarth and they are the best band I've ever heard. EVER! I remember hearing about them about 6 years ago but it was only in passing. Then I was on You Tube and saw the Pursuit of Vikings videos thinking to myself, "man, that riff with that drum beat is pretty bad ass. Who the hell are these guys?" Saw a few more vids on you tube and that was all I needed. I could not believe how good these guys were, and I'm not really into Death Metal that much. More of a Thrash Metal fan. Now, I have damn near all their albums on my cell phone from Amazon. Amazing.

When are these guys playing in the US? I must see them.

Thanks for reading!

Hi, nice to meet you!:)
I'm not a Trash Metal fan. Which bands would you recommend?

Metaliica - And Justice for All
Megadeth - Rust in Peace
Slayer - Reign in Blood

Those are my fav Thrash albums

And Justice is probably my favorite album of all time.
I've got "And Justice for all", but obviously I wasn't able to classify it.:confused:
Don't listen to it very often. Anyway, maybe I should be a little more careful with my statements..... :)