New Amarth-head here...!!!....killer band guys...>!!!!


New Metal Member
Apr 19, 2005
just been listenin to "death in fire","pursuit of vikings","runes to my memory " and "Fate of norns"...NONSTOP...these guys...are aweosme....heavy as hell..adn yet teh riffing is so melodoc...teh last vocal pharsing/delivery of runes ot my meory jsut makes u almost shed a tear.....killer lyrics....i lvoe this band...thy're my #2 fav band now....2nd only to the mighty opeth....jsut wondering waht woudl eb thier best album to get....!!!!....again killer sad...i missed'em...i hope they coem to USA on a headlining tour...!!!..Keep rockin guys...U ROCK...!!!!.......PEAC EOUT
Why would you want them to come to the USA?
Your primary language is obviously not english.
im curently residing in Austin TX...!!! eayh id freakin lvoe it...if they coem to USA...that be plannin on gettin thier DVD too..>!!!....rockin band..!!!!......PEAC EOUT
There is no point in talking if there's nobody listening, and there is no point in posting if nobody reads your post. If you want people to actually read (and understand) your posts, it does help an awful lot if if you use period points at least once per post, and if you could please check your spelling at least to the point where the word sort of makes sense. Goodness knows we all make spelling mistakes and grammatical errors (especially me), so I am not judging.
Bobby177, dude, if you can figure out what Ghaldez and Vagner and other ESL people (and really, really drunk Patric-types) are trying to say, then I'm pretty sure you can decipher this dude's typos, too. Do like you're in Hawaii, hang loose. Not worth having a cow over! ;-)
It's great to see another AA fan in the states. However. Stop posting. It's assholes like you with bad grammar that gives Americans a bad reputation. If you read the headlines you would know that AA is coming to the United States.

lvoe I think you mean LOVE.

How did you spell the song titles right (and for that matter USA) but manage to spell basic everyday words so badly? WOW I feel ashamed for you and offer my apology the rest of the forum whose first language is not English and to those who still post with correct grammar.
please don't say "peace out" (that goes for "PEAC EOUT" too).

but i think this guy is writting like this on purpose.. he's playing his role of Butters from south park (cf his avatar)
did not mean to offend or humiliate anyone with my tuping...!!!....i just thought they were a great band...adn thought Id ask when they were comin to USA.....specifically Austin TX,....!!! actually workin on a song....heavily influenced by AA....shall be postin a link of teh reocrding soon....!!!...hahhaa....well either way....keep rockin fellas.....!!!...PEAC EOUT
If.. .yuo stotp .... typin liek ....!this then. .. . mayb ppl will,,, anwsr ... ur questn!!!!!
It's great to see another AA fan in the states. However. Stop posting. It's assholes like you with bad grammar that gives Americans a bad reputation. If you read the headlines you would know that AA is coming to the United States.

lvoe I think you mean LOVE.

How did you spell the song titles right (and for that matter USA) but manage to spell basic everyday words so badly? WOW I feel ashamed for you and offer my apology the rest of the forum whose first language is not English and to those who still post with correct grammar.

Waz posts on the Opeth forums quite a bit, in the same way. He's perfectly capable of typing coherent sentences (he's done it before), but he acts like a retard to piss people off. It usually works (obviously), and it's actually kinda funny. :)
Guys, this is Waz - a 2nd gen norm on the Opeth board

He always types like that, it's just one of his quirks.
If.. .yuo stotp .... typin liek ....!this then. .. . mayb ppl will,,, anwsr ... ur questn!!!!!

I just pissed myself laughing. Yeah Waz I think maybe you should try and slow down a bit, or get FF2 and use the spellchecker. You cant type fast so please dont try because it is very hard to read. Anyway hello :rock:
Nice little pagan army you've got here guys. Good to see that! :D

I've been an Amon Amarth fan for many years, but this is the first time I've come across this forum.
My favourite Amarth album is Once Set Form The Golden Hall and my fav songs Without Fear, Death in fire and Valkyries ride. I really liked songs from the Oden On Our Side, but I haven't got the CD yet.