
Ahoy hoy, what has been happening around here of late?

For me I was in an accident in June and haven't been back to work since, and it looks like it will be a few more weeks before I can go back yet. Ahh the road of life, try and avoid the speed bumps kids

Sucks, mate, hope you recover well.
Know all about being stuck unable to do much because you're recovering from something, never fun.

For my part, have almost finished my thesis but have been procrastinating on the editing stage because of random issues.
I got knocked off my motorbike by what I presume was in inattentive driver, perfectly upright on second, on the ground the next. There are witness statements to this effect. I didn't get knocked out or anything, hooray for me but completely fucked my shoulder (disclocated A/C joint and ligament issues) and after 6 weeks of complaining they finally x-rayed my foot and it is full of fractures as well.

Being a mechanic there are no light duties I can perform at work because we are a small shop, and now I have been put in a moon boot I couldn't be there for safety reasons anyway :mad:

Off work without pay, and good ole centrelink reckons it is not worth getting their assistance as when I do go back we will have to pay them back. So again it pays in this country to work and pay your taxes for sweet fuck all help when you require it, hoorah for Insurance.

End of rant...:rock:
Bloody hell man, that's not good at all. Did the drive off or stick around afterwards? What sort of conditions were you riding in?

How long are you in a moon boot for?