High Quality MP3 Conversion?


New Metal Member
Jun 6, 2007
I´m wondering if there is an Encoder available besides Lame that has a better quality. For example something that prevents clips, because all my mp3´s are full of them. Anyway I think it´s quite important to know a high quality method to built mp3´s. So please give me some advices.

I'd also like to know this too, my mp3's always sound like ass compared to being played through Cubase.

Edit: LSD posted seconds before me, sorry!
Fraunhofer is better than Lame....

(additional note: if mastering for mp3 set your ceiling to -0.6 / -0.5 )

I also prefer Fraunhofer with the "lot of cymbal"-stuff, but do you know the why to master to -0.6?
When I master to -0.2 I always wonder why the mp3 hits 0
I will try and see what happens with -0.6

There's more information about audio codecs than you could ever want on that site.

Also how much higher quality do you want? Lame 3.97 is transparent to most people at -V2 new (vbr averaging around 192-224kbps). Try doing some ABX tests. You'll be surprised how low you can go before you can pass it. Also get ready to show your ABX test results to the forumers there if you claim to be able to hear a difference between the highest LAME mp3 settings and the uncompressed file.
I found that even -1 db is not sufficient to prevent clipping in mp3 (Fraunhofer or Lame). Some other formats (ogg) also clips. WMA is better in that case.
Itunes will convert to 320kbps. doesnt sound too bad for a free quick mp3 converter
if you are not you should get new monitors ;)

Seriously, try to abx a short sample of music you listen to using Lame 3.97 with the "-b 320" setting. Actually, try "-V 2 --vbr-new" first. If you can abx -b 320 post the log and sample on the hydrogenaudio.org site so the LAME developers who post there can document it.