Hilarious audio tech bollocks

Doesn't anybody who has ever "burned in" speakers fall in this camp?

I'm always curious to find out where the line is drawn between wanting the best from your set up and becoming a full-blown-nut-job audiophool.

Not sure if you are referring to guitar speakers etc. but I know on my monitors the difference seemed night and day between the moment I first used them and a few hours after. They were super stiff and you could see the speaker wasn't moving much at first, now it moves and sounds much more dynamic. Maybe that's all in my head?
Not sure if you are referring to guitar speakers etc. but I know on my monitors the difference seemed night and day between the moment I first used them and a few hours after. They were super stiff and you could see the speaker wasn't moving much at first, now it moves and sounds much more dynamic. Maybe that's all in my head?

Sounds strange, more like something wrong with the monitor (?), a few hours isn't enough to "break them in" anyway, you'll need to run pink noise through them for at least 72hrs, preferably with some overpriced audiophool gadget that can do it properly, the local high end hi-fi guy reckons B&W 802's only really start sounding good after about a year of use......then they really loosen up.

I bought some second hand Genelec's that a guy was using for his surrounds for about 6yrs, I still experienced them "getting better sounding" after about a week, 6yrs is more than enough time to break in a pair of speakers, I wonder why I had the same experience as guys with brand new monitors..............maybe I just got used to them.