Hillary a carpet muncher??


Nov 3, 2005
I was listening to the radio this morning (during commercials on Howard), and the DJs were saying the Bill Clintons ex mistress Jennifer Flowers has claimed that, Bill told her the Hillary has had more women then he has. I can see it. She does have that butch dyke look to her.
i've heard that for years.
i also believe it.
she's a dyke. she's a paranoid delusional, the likes of which Richard Nixon could only dream of.
she's a control freak and has a God complex.

read 'Dereliction of Duty,' by 'Buzz' Patterson [or Anderson. i cant remember his last name, right now].
he's the guy who carried the 'atomic football' for Clinton.
after he chose to leave the service of the Clinton Whitehouse, he wrote this book, explaining why.
he said that the Clinton Whitehouse was one that despised the very thought of American military, to the point that military officers werent allowed to wear their uniforms while on Whitehouse grounds.
Clinton aides routinely disrespected high ranking military officials.
Hillary's brothers would come over and treat Generals like golf caddys.
when Hillary walked through the halls of the Whitehouse, people would dive into whatever open office door they were near, because she didnt like people around when she made her 'rounds' of the Whitehouse.

woe to us if that shrew gets anywhere near the Whitehouse again.
i hope you're right.
she's been putting on a good act as a centrist, here lately, in hopes of gaining favor on both sides.

who's going to run against her?
i like Guiliani, to a point, but his hands arent exactly 'clean.'
he supports things like abortion and gun control, which wont exactly give him a firm support base with the right.
he also moved his g/f in with him while he was going through a rather prickly divorce from his wife.
the media on both sides would jump all over that.

how about Sen. John McCain?
i like him, too, but he's been so critical of some of the more 'popular' policies of the current administration, at least with those that would be his base, that he doesnt hold a whole lot of trust with that base. some view him as a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Condi Rice?
i absolutely LOVE her!! she's perfect! she's charming and learned, has impeccable standards and character and knows foreign policy as well as, or better, than anybody else who's held the office before.
can she win?
the answer to that question relies on the answer to the next question:
is this nation ready for not only a woman president, but a black woman president?

2008 is going to be an interesting [scary] year.
sgt_d_rulez said:
I was listening to the radio this morning (during commercials on Howard), and the DJs were saying the Bill Clintons ex mistress Jennifer Flowers has claimed that, Bill told her the Hillary has had more women then he has. I can see it. She does have that butch dyke look to her.

As a straight guy....I gotta say,...that lesbians are sexy.

Political pundits,.. on the other hand... are childish idiots.

Perfect nazidyke match?
Dr.TEETH said:
I'd like to see Hillary and Sharon gettin' freaky in a porno.

It would be sexy.

you've been locked in your mom's basement for a very long time, havent you? :hypno:
SueNC said:
you've been locked in your mom's basement for a very long time, havent you? :hypno:

Nope,, I just loves the ladies.

I'd like to take both of them out and show them a good time, and have

Howard Stern film it.