I hate HER 1,000 times more than Hillary!


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
"Whoa! I thought you are the poster boy for trashing Hillary! Who can you possibly hate more than her? Who, Jurched?"

The answer is clear and simple:



DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! Have a majour stroke and Perish!

Ahh, How I hate her!

How I loathe every cubic inch of her repulsive corpulence!

How I wish she was caught by a Rwandan with a machete, so he could remove her limbs on the the steps of Harvard and leave her to bleed slowly in front of those fucking LIBS!


Here's what that beast that pretends to be both human and a woman has recently said at another trash heap, what's it called, Yale:

Albright said that in her former position, her greatest accomplishment was halting the genocide during the conflict in Kosovo, but she expressed regret for not taking action to end the Rwandan genocide in 1994, when she was still serving as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.

That dumb fucking cunt! She is personally responsible for both! How can she try to fool the gullible faggit bolsheviks in Yale and on this forum by suggesting she actually helped people???

"My kids have always said, 'Mom, you're not laid-back, you're laid-forward,'" Albright told the crowd.

She was trying to laid-down with Bill Clinton, but not even that shameless asshole would try to penetrate the unknown nether regions of that bitch.

"I am somebody who finds a lot of fun in the possibility of being able to make decisions that have an effect on Americans, on our foreign policies and in trying to solve problems."

Finally, she says something important. She had FUN making her horrific decisions that affect all of us! What a FUCKING bitch! Is she crazy??

At one point during the lecture, a student asked her how she could reconcile imposing economic sanctions in Iraq at the expense of starving children. Although she said she acknowledges ethical concerns, Albright defended her underlying position toward Saddam Hussein. "Don't shake your head," Albright said to the student. "I was there."

We KNOW you were there, and that's why the student's smart enough to know you've committed great crimes! "Don't shake your head!" I'll shake her head, rattling it from her goddamned shoulders at the same time!

But at least one law student said he felt "disconnected" from Albright's message. "I feel like her sort of classic sassiness was in full force; for people our age, it was clear that [Albright] still views government as the pinnacle of public service, which I don't think is necessarily the case for most people at Yale."

This cunt treats 800,000 macheted Rwandans, 500,000 dead Iraqi children, and 1,000,000 refugees fleeing Kosovo as her playthings. And these ivy-league assholes talk about her enjoyment of public service!

They will be wise to avoid the dustbin of politics and stick to charging clients $400 per hour for Legal services.

At least, the skulls of millions of personal victoms won't be smiling in their direction as they do for Madeleine.

Great, Hilarious post dude!!!

Jurched said:
"Whoa! I thought you are the poster boy for trashing Hillary! Who can you possibly hate more than her? Who, Jurched?"

The answer is clear and simple:




Ahh, How I hate her!

How I loathe every cubic inch of her repulsive corpulence!

How I wish she was caught by a Rwandan with a machete, so he could remove her limbs on the the steps of Harvard and leave her to die slowly in front of those fucking LIBS!


Here's what that beast that pretends to be both human and a woman has recently said at another trash heap, what's it called, Yale:

Albright said that in her former position, her greatest accomplishment was halting the genocide during the conflict in Kosovo, but she expressed regret for not taking action to end the Rwandan genocide in 1994, when she was still serving as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.

That dumb fucking cunt! She is personally responsible for both! How can she try to fool the gullible faggit bolsheviks in Yale and on thhis forum by suggesting she actually helped people???

"My kids have always said, 'Mom, you're not laid-back, you're laid-forward,'" Albright told the crowd.

She was trying to laid-down with Bill Clinton, but not even that shameless asshole would try to penetrate the unknown nether regions of that bitch.

"I am somebody who finds a lot of fun in the possibility of being able to make decisions that have an effect on Americans, on our foreign policies and in trying to solve problems."

Finally, she says something important. She had FUN making her horrific decisions that affect all of us! What a FUCKING bitch! Is she crazy??

At one point during the lecture, a student asked her how she could reconcile imposing economic sanctions in Iraq at the expense of starving children. Although she said she acknowledges ethical concerns, Albright defended her underlying position toward Saddam Hussein. "Don't shake your head," Albright said to the student. "I was there."

We KNOW you were there, and that's why the student's smart enough to know you've committed great crimes! "Don't shake your head!" I'll shake her head, and remove it from her goddamned shoulders at the same time!

But at least one law student said he felt "disconnected" from Albright's message. "I feel like her sort of classic sassiness was in full force; for people our age, it was clear that [Albright] still views government as the pinnacle of public service, which I don't think is necessarily the case for most people at Yale."

This cunt treats 800,000 macheted Rwandans, 500,000 dead Iraqi children, and 1,000,000 refugees fleeing Kosovo as her playthings. And these ivy-league assholes talk about her enjoyment of public service!

They will be wise to avoid the dustbin of politics and stick to charging clients $400 per hour for Legal services.

At least, the skulls of millions of personal victoms won't be smiling in their direction as they do for Madeleine.

This thread proves how sensible we conservatives are.

Jurched said:

Yes, Madeline Albright has been accused of torturing POWs, killing millions, and shooting John Lennon. She's just like Adolf Hitler, only more feminine.

How I wish she was caught by a Rwandan with a machete, so he could remove her limbs on the the steps of Harvard and leave her to die slowly in front of those fucking LIBS!

I agree. There should be more intelligent, progressive people like us in our government.

Here's what that beast that pretends to be both human and a woman has recently said at another trash heap, what's it called, Yale:

Hey, don't diss George W. Bush's school you liberal traitor.

That dumb fucking cunt! She is personally responsible for both! How can she try to fool the gullible faggit bolsheviks in Yale and on thhis forum by suggesting she actually helped people???

Exactly! It's completely Albright's fault that Africans were slaughtering each other for centuries. Why didn't she get into her Harrier Jet and personally fly over to Rwanda to kill all the bad guys?

Finally, she says something important. She had FUN making her horrific decisions that affect all of us! What a FUCKING bitch! Is she crazy??

Yes, the Rwandan genocide affected all us Americans because we know that the Rwandan gangs had weapons of mass destruction and were planning on invading America. Albright let this happen because she hates America.

We KNOW you were there, and that's why the student's smart enough to know you've committed great crimes! "Don't shake your head!" I'll shake her head, and remove it from her goddamned shoulders at the same time!

Exactly, it's all Albright's fault that Iraqis were starving. It has nothing to do with Saddam's tyranny, or Reagan and Rumsfeld, who propped him up and armed him.

This cunt treats 800,000 macheted Rwandans, 500,000 dead Iraqi children, and 1,000,000 refugees fleeing Kosovo as her playthings. And these ivy-league assholes talk about her enjoyment of public service!

They will be wise to avoid the dustbin of politics and stick to charging clients $400 per hour for Legal services.

At least, the skulls of millions of personal victoms won't be smiling in their direction as they do for Madeleine.

Albright did nothing for anyone, as opposed to Bush Sr and Bush Jr, who have done so much for the poor starving Africans. After all, it wasn't Clinton's decision to try and help things out by aiding the UN effort in Somalia.

Yes, Albright is pure evil.
Hmm... glad you concur. You're observations are undeniably coherent, in spite of the however small possibility that you're bullshitting me.

But, good-natured fellow that I am, I'm willing to give you the benefit of doubt.

Not the least, of course, because you admit the inherent deep-rooted wickness of Madeleine "Let the Children's Bones Decorate the Desert Floor" Albright.

Jurched said:
Not the least, of course, because you admit the inherent deep-rooted wickness of Madeleine "Let the Children's Bones Decorate the Desert Floor" Albright.

Typical liberal, blaming America for everything.
what the fuck? How is she still alive? She looks the same age now as when she was "alive." She totally must be in favor of stem cell research cuz she has to be knocking back a pint of em everyday to prolong her evil existence.
Presumably, converting mass murder and high treason into public service achievements worthy of medals and accolades before mindless assemblies of gullible half-wits gives her multiple orgasms, which in turn causes her face to grimace so hard, its like hundreds of face lifts performed within seconds.

Just a theory.

Or, she devours the brains of starving children, and the cholesterol smooths out her skin.

Hehe. Because of her Czech origins, bunch of twisted liberals (with out ex-Pres in the front) came up with the idea of her being the next Czech president...I didn't even know whether to laugh or cry...
johnnieCzech said:
Hehe. Because of her Czech origins, bunch of twisted liberals (with out ex-Pres in the front) came up with the idea of her being the next Czech president...I didn't even know whether to laugh or cry...

i got some mad czech origins too..hmm