She can't remember the finer points of a 450 page bailout proposal? Holy crap, what a dolt!
What's Biden's excuse for forgetting one of his fellow Democrats is in a friggin' wheelchair? Perhaps the age issue applies to Biden more than John McOld? Maybe Joe just forgot to take his Rivastigmine?
Anyone with a very large stick up their bum and a complete absence of common sense will look at this flowchart and admit that it's an acurate reflection of her debating prowess.
the Couric interview is over. i'm sure the Communist News Network is still playing this thing over and over, but she did a world better at the debate.
Her debate performance was better, but it's hard not to be better than an incoherent mess.
As for your CNN "joke", yes a giant media communist! I believe Karl Marx devoted at least 6 chapters of Das Kapital to talking about how the people will resolve the contradictions of capitalism through their own giant media corporation.
Fixed your fix.fixed.Anyone with a very large stick up their bum and a complete absence of common sense to us already backwoods thinking, cavemen republicans will look at this flowchart and admit that it's an acurate reflection of her debating prowess.
you're welcome.
I like how your point makes no sense. Since when is a senate bill a talking point and who said she needs to memorize anything from the bill? I really like how you defend her by attacking the other side and making absurd claims about what others are saying. In other words, you can't defend her at all. As I said, and as I think most people are aware, Biden has a history of saying dumb shit for which there is no excuse. But if you think her answer in this clip is the least bit coherent, then you are either simply dishonest, stupid, or blindly partisan. I'll give you the credit and say it's the first and third, but maybe that only makes you worse. Go ahead, parse out her answer and tell me how it makes sense. I dare you. No, you or anyone are incapable. So just go ahead and spout some generic response about liberals, and how you are conservative, blah blah. Go ahead, just deflect the issue with stupid generalities, pretend the Democrats and Republicans differ on the bailout, and how the world will end if we don't elect the right one of the two pro-war, pro-corporate candidates.
the Couric interview is over. i'm sure the Communist News Network is still playing this thing over and over, but she did a world better at the debate.
I made my point. My point was, who gives a frogs fat ass if the VP candidate knows the finer points of something she didn't touch and wouldn't be able to vote on? Can you answer the question Couric posed? I can't either. Does Palin talk in circles sometimes? You bet your socialist as she does. Grabbing one answer from one interview and dismissing her as stupid is well, stupid.
No, I don't think the dems differ from the repubs on teh bailout. My mortgage is paid for. I could not care less if both Fanny and Freddie went tits-up.
How come nobody is talking about Obama being in bed with Franklin Raines?
Same reason no one has mentioned McCain being part of the Keating 5?
I made my point. My point was, who gives a frogs fat ass if the VP candidate knows the finer points of something she didn't touch and wouldn't be able to vote on?
Can you answer the question Couric posed? I can't either. Does Palin talk in circles sometimes? You bet your socialist as she does. Grabbing one answer from one interview and dismissing her as stupid is well, stupid.
No, I don't think the dems differ from the repubs on teh bailout. My mortgage is paid for. I could not care less if both Fanny and Freddie went tits-up.
How come nobody is talking about Obama being in bed with Franklin Raines?
What is this same reason you point to? Perhaps it was because the other four were Democrats?
that... and that McCain was COMPLETELY EXONERATED [for you Dems, that means cleared] of any wrong-doing, but because he was the only Republican, the Dems on the panel refused to release him from the case.
so, basically, his name gets hooked to that case, even though he did nothing wrong.
Mccain himself admits to ethical violations in the case and has apologized for it, as well he should. So what if the others were Democrats? They are not running for President. If anything it goes to show how easily the two major parties cave to corporate interests.
he was CLEARED OF ALL CHARGES!! the man conducting the investigation called him an 'honest man' and wanted him dropped from the case.
if the Dems would actually admit to some wrong doing from time to time [as opposed to always quipping: 'the Republicans made me do it'], maybe we'd see a bit more honesty in the political realm.
Um, the VP breaks ties in the Senate. So, yes, she needs to be able give such answers so show, IF ELECTED, she is capable of understanding policy
Yes, I could answer the question. Yes, I could point to specific laws and even economic history, but I am not running. Maybe, just maybe, somebody who can't answer such a straightforward question shouldn't run.
Wow, you can't read. I said he's apologized for UNETHICAL BEHAVIOR not for doing anything ILLEGAL. Clearly, you must realize just because he was cleared OF CHARGES that he did act UNETHICALLY? He himself said in relation to the scandal, "The appearance of it was wrong. It's a wrong appearance when a group of senators appear in a meeting with a group of regulators, because it conveys the impression of undue and improper influence. And it was the wrong thing to do."
I've highlighted the key line just in case you can't read, rather lie, or continue to be a partisan hack. See, it's people like you who make me fear for the country. While you are entitled to your stupid beliefs, you put your party affiliations before country, before reality, and before truth. You are delusional.