"Hiltonin Pariisi" by Kylähullut


1 girl in her cups
May 5, 2003
East Bumblefuck
Rebellious Finnish punk rockers make a song about a half-retarded socialite. Tee-hee, how cute. But I guess Vesku and Tonmi are too busy drinking and, you know, working, to grasp the full tragicomic IRONY of it all.

Your guitarist is a goddamn near-socialite, boys!!!
I admit, the comPARISon was a little crass. [/bad pun mode]
But there are parallels.

Allu's first car was apparently a BMfuckingW. Okay, he may have (HA, HA!) saved a little money til he was 18, seeing as he left school at 16. But I'm sure at least 97% of the BMW money came from DADDY.

Paris also had piano and violin lessons as a kid.
come on,there's no point comparing alexi to paris.everuone knows alexi is more glamourous,:lol:

Obviously. :lol:

I admit, the comPARISon was a little crass. [/bad pun mode]
But there are parallels.

Allu's first car was apparently a BMfuckingW. Okay, he may have (HA, HA!) saved a little money til he was 18, seeing as he left school at 16. But I'm sure at least 97% of the BMW money came from DADDY.

Paris also had piano and violin lessons as a kid.

a 2nd hand BMW can go easily for 6000€(depending also on the model and the year)
I admit, the comPARISon was a little crass. [/bad pun mode]
But there are parallels.

Allu's first car was apparently a BMfuckingW. Okay, he may have (HA, HA!) saved a little money til he was 18, seeing as he left school at 16. But I'm sure at least 97% of the BMW money came from DADDY.

Paris also had piano and violin lessons as a kid.

I can find at least 400,000 other people with the 2 similarities you have stated.

And Allu is 100,000,000,000.00 x's better looking, and more sociable than Paris H.
Allu's first car was apparently a BMfuckingW. Okay, he may have (HA, HA!) saved a little money til he was 18, seeing as he left school at 16. But I'm sure at least 97% of the BMW money came from DADDY.

You don't need to be from rich/upper-class family to be able take piano/violin/guitar classes or buy a BMfuckingW in Finland. My best friend's little brother took guitar classes in OMGlynkylä, his first car was AFuckingUdi, his guitar was JOmgackson and his mom is single mom, in regular not so well paid job. And my friend and his little brother both actually went to Univeristy, OMG! And you know the best thing, I don't think he ever worked for that car, his mommy paid it all and guitar and oulunkylä too.
Enough with the Alexi bashing, I get it. You think he's too big for his own good, you think he doesn't give a shit about Finland when he does, get your facts straight and quit your complaining. You don't like Alexi, fine, don't listen to Bodom, don't listen to Kylahullut, they're obviously not forcing you to.

That being said, I wanna hear this song.
thank you for putting it that clear Nikki,:lol: I think we're in an Alexi-bashing season,:lol:,cause not long ago he was bashed on the COBTV thread because someone started saying he's an irresponsible alcoholic who can't get rid of alcohol and who drives drunk,:lol:
Rebellious Finnish punk rockers make a song about a half-retarded socialite. Tee-hee, how cute. But I guess Vesku and Tonmi are too busy drinking and, you know, working, to grasp the full tragicomic IRONY of it all.

Your guitarist is a goddamn near-socialite, boys!!!

Kylähullut rocks! One of the best albums this year! :loco:
Allu's first car was apparently a BMfuckingW. Okay, he may have (HA, HA!) saved a little money til he was 18, seeing as he left school at 16. But I'm sure at least 97% of the BMW money came from DADDY.

dude what the hell is your problem,
so what if Alexi's frist car was a BMW, it none of your fucking business
yea so what if his first car was a bmw, doesnt he like drive a chevy caprice now or something?
he does have a pontiac and some other cars.he's a huge car freak.I don't remember where exacty(I think that in Alexi's profile in SoB)there's a bit of explaination about his cars.

Scythes Of Bodom said:
Alexi's biggest hobbie besides music is probably cars.His father taught him howto drive when he was 10.He has a 1988 Pontiac Firebird,a 20-year old Buick and a 1974 Dodge Monaco.

Alexi Laiho said:
The Monaco is fucking bad-ass ride.It's got a tuned-up 440 CID engine and about 440 horsepower and it just looks mean as fuck.I only drive the Monaco in the summertime because we get real hardcore winters here in Finland and I don't want to ruin it.Cars are just so fucking cool.But I specially dig the older ones,and by the way,I've never crashed!