SHADOWS FALL KICKS ASS (7/26/2003 show review)


Alone Within My Lunacy
Sep 4, 2001
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O.K. I know this happened days ago, but I've been busy as hell with work, life, etc... Anyway, here goes. Saw Shadows Fall, Sworn Enemy, Grade 8, and The Revenants in Louisville, KY at a place called Tek World. We get there and Tek World is like a C.D. store, arcade, concession stand, and a live music place all in one. It was very small (holds about 400 people maximum) and in a Strip Mall. But, the place was cool. Small stage, but huge area to see bands. Also, they had beer. No whiskey, Jagemeister, tequila, etc... But they did have CORONA, BUD/BUDLIGHT/BUD ICE, COORS/COORS LIGHT, HEINEKEN, MILLER LITE. It was an all ages show and those who were 21 and over had a green wrist band.
*First band: The Revenants: This was a local band comprised of 6 members. 1 drummer, 1 keyboardist, 2 guitarists, 1 girl bassplayer, and 1 vocalist who thought who was Glenn Danzig (a skinnier, younger version). These teen-agers (maybe older but none of them were drinking) were dressed from head to toe in black Gothic type garb, black combat boots to the knees, fishnet shirts and hose, and spikes on the forearms of the singer. I guess they were trying to be dark and like black metal, but come across as a "Misfits" type punk band with keyboards. They were talented for their age but not my cup of tea. The girl bass player was cute and reminded me of the bass player from Coal Chamber. The singer, girl, and lead guitarist had long hair but the other had crew cuts.
*Grade 8: Saw them open for In Flames and Mudvayne. Have a video for "Brick by Brick". Kind of like "rap-metal" Limp Bizkit wothout a DJ. No sir, didn't like them.
*SWORN ENEMY: New York Hardcore. Pretty heavy and impressive live. Like old school Biohazard meets Slayer or Pantera. Lead guitarist had on a TESTAMENT shirt. Pretty interesting.

Note: By this time I had a good BEER buzz and befriended a guy with a MOTORHEAD tattoo. He and I were talking and then came my friend Josh, Shane, & his girlfriend Missy. The MOTORHEAD guy was there with his daughter and her boyfriend, both 16. He yelled at her to come talk to the "Geritol" crew, being that we are all older (31, 31, 28, & 27). Motorhead dude was 44. We all were buzzed and were having a good time. Got to meet some members of Shadows Fall early in the night before Grade 8. Met Brian Fair-vocals, Jon Donais-lead guitar/vocals, Paul Romanko-Bass, and Jason Bittner-drums. Very humble guys and down to earth. Talked with Brian, Jon, and Paul the most. Had on my NEVERMORE DNB shirt and all the guys said, "They're a good band". I said, "Why not tour with them," and the guys laughed and said something like, "We'll see, it's up to the label" meaning Century Media and we all laughed sarcastically.

SHADOWS FALL: These guys kicked ass. Had great sound, clear guitars during solos, clear vocals, good death and melodic background vocals. Very tight and professional. The set list was something like this: IDLE HANDS, THE IDIOT BOX, CRUSHING BELIAL, A FIRE IN BABYLON, OF ONE BLOOD, THOUGHTS WITHOUT WORDS, STEPPING OUTSIDE THE CIRCLE, DESTROYER OF SENSES, and as an encore bits of IRON MAIDEN "RUN TO THE HILLS" bits of JUDAS PRIEST "VICTIM OF CHANGES" and in its entirety MOTLEY CRUE "LIVEWIRE". The younger crowd didn't know the Crue song, but a few older "old-school METALHEADS" did and the younger kids were still moshing, slamming, pitting, crowd surfing, etc... Also, the lead guitarist is bad ass. Zakk Wylde, John Petrucci, and Jeff Loomis take notice.

In concluding, a great time by around 250-300 people. Cheers.
Excellently put! That was the first time I've seen Shadows Fall and now I have to see them again. Great show in a small club! I showed up when Sworn Enemy was on and missed the earlier bands. I saw the guy on the left side of the stage (if you are facing the stage) wearing the Testament shirt also. I thought to myself about Sworn Enemy, "They're not that bad but he's got a great shirt on!"
I agree, i first heard shadows fall on much music's URANIUM show. I immediately went out and bought there cd THE ART OF BALANCE. I cant find 1 bad song it's a great cd, and they are one of the best live bands iv'e ever heard. PS enemies of reality kiss all ass. cheers
I can listen to the whole album straight through without skipping a single song! How many albums can ya say that about!? I only know of a few personally.
I was front row just to the left of center stage. I got to sing in the mic during "Stepping Outside the Circle". Did you see when Brian headlocked that dude who boddy surfed onto the stage and pulled down the *sshole's pants? Funny.
I vaguely remember Brian headlockin' someone. But I do remember a dude singing into the mic during "STEPPING OUTSIDE THE CIRCLE". Not to be nosey, but do you have dark hair and what were you wearing? I could have possibly spoke to you because I spoke to a lot of people. You know, the talkative DRUNK. Just seeing if I saw or spoke to you.
Hey Petrucci dude. See my review of the QUEENSRYCHE/DREAM THEATER show I posted. I knew Petrucci was good, but he was even better LIVE. It's hard to decide my favorite guitarist now. I don't know about "John Petrucci Is God"? He and a few others come pretty close. ZAKK WYLDE, CHUCK SHULDINER, JEFF LOOMIS, JOHN dude (from SHADOWS FALL).
I have brown hair and was wearing a blue shirt. The guy to my left had dark hair, no shirt on, and he also sang during "stepping Outside the Circle". To my right was one of the few attractive chicks at the show. I spoke to only a few people in the 1st and 2nd "rows" though.

Are you a guitarist? You sound like one based on your reply to the Petrucci dude.

I play guitar mostly. Also bass and drums but not very good at drums. Ruffly as good as Lars Ulrich. (I suck)

Here is a link to 3 songs that I did all guitars, bass, and backing vocals on in my previous band. If you have the time, let me know what you think! Cool?
Heavy D, I saved the MP3 link. Downfall, I like the name. I play a little guitar, (I'm the world's worst guitarist) attempt to sing, and am always writing lyrics. I was in a band back in 1996, a side project called M.D.K. (MURDER DEATH KILL). It was basically me and my friends in a band called STONE KING. I would do a set or open for them that conisted of WHITE ZOMBIE/THUNDERKISS, KYUSS/TANGY ZIZZLE, DOWN/LOSING ALL, KISS/SHOCK ME &/or ROCK AND ROLL ALL NIGHT, BLACK SABBATH/WAR PIGS & FAIRIES WEAR BOOTS, and an original I wrote called "OFFER MY SOUL". I wrote all the lyrics and helped with the main riff. I've got 3 originals on cassette tape with no drums, just bass, guitar, and vocals recorded on a boom box. I've got a VHS of me doing THUNDERKISS, LOSING ALL, AND OFFER MY SOUL, but only a few people have saw it. I was drinking and didn't take things seriously. I'll let you know what I think about the DOWNFALL stuff.