SHADOWS FALL tonight & I saw the Final Product video.


Alone Within My Lunacy
Sep 4, 2001
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Greetings NEVERHEADZ. I'm going to see Shadows Fall tonight at Bogart's in Cincinatti, Ohio. The bill is as follows: Shadows Fall, Arch Enemy, In Flames, The Black Dahlia Murder, The Haunted, & It dies today. It's probably an offdate of Ozzfest. I've seen Shadows Fall, In Flames, and The Haunted Before. Interested to see Arch Enemy live & Black Dahlia Murder. Don't know much about It dies Today,

Saw the video for Final Product on Yahoo Music. The old man reminded me of Metallica's Unforgiven video vaguely. Also, liked the reference and use of "Black Seeds" and the black substance like oil (Black Gold, Texas Tea for Beverly Hillbillies fans.) "The question lies unanswered and opaque". The new album Kicks Ass. I'm glad to see it selling so well. Hopefully NEVERMORE will get more recognition like they deserve.
We only got to see Arch Enemy, In Flames, Shadows Fall, and one song from The Haunted. Arch Enemy only played 30 minutes, In Flames 45 minutes and Shadows Fall about an hour and 10 minutes. Arch Enemy played Ravenous, Dead Eyes See No Future, and ended with Nemesis. They played other songs I didn't know, sounded good, And as always Angela was looking HOT! In Flames sound was good also. Songs they played featured Cloud Connected, Trigger, etc.... (My friend, Josh, and I wanted to hear Embody The Invisible but no luck. Next came the great Shadows Fall. They simply kick ass. Got to talk to Brian Fair-lead singer, for a little while. I met him and the rest of the band at an earlier show about 2 years ago in Louisville, KY at a place called Tek World that was like an arcade. I told him I had on a Nevermore shirt and he said he remembered me (don't know if he actually did remember me or not, but I know he did remember the venue.) Anyway, there set consisted of the following:
The Power of I and I, What Drives The Weak, Inspiration On Demand, Eternity Is Within, Crushing Belial, Destroyer of Senses, Thoughts Without Words, Stepping Outside The Circle, Idiot Box, and maybe one or two more.