History of the Festival


Sep 30, 2005
here is a retro find today...the first flyer for the fest in 2011.

Furnaze dropped off...they were going to do some shows with Sacred Oath. Zuul was added on later but they cancelled. Black Widow USA also dropped out as well. It was also going to just be a one day show at first. Not until Skullview and Obsession were added and being moved to Bada Brew it all changed to a two day show. Then Ghost in the Ruins, Hessler and Question of Madness all got added then to fill it out and then at the very end...Degradation were added then.
I don't question whether or not they were asked or considered.
i just don't recall a flyer with them on it.
Just giving you a hard time.

Damn, forgot about FURNAZE dropping off.

Weren't they also supposed to help bring in Carmine Appice to be there in some fashion???
Just because you don't remember it doesn't mean it didn't happen. I distinctly remember being pissed because I JUST had the damn poster updated. It was a Carmine Appice, Sacred Oath, Furnaze (which I still pronounce FUR-NOZ-EE) that got canceled. Sacred Oath stayed on.