Hit or Miss

Miss, I don't care about stuff like that. I would gladly take your sunny weather in exchange for our shitty summer though...

Next person is sad about God Dethroned quitting at the end of this year.

@Brisantni: yes, lyrics are quite depressive, well written though I think.
Miss. Important is, that Amon Amarth will not quit!
Agrypnie lyrics - definitely well written.
Wunderful clouds, awesome wind... but it's not so sunny!;)
Next person would like to travel to the moon.
Miss, only 15. No way my parent's would consent to it. :(

Next person feels as though Suicide Silence shouldn't be allowed to play in the same venue as Cannibal Corpse on the upcoming South American tour.

So, if I'm suffering of agrypnie, I go around, listen to music, try to read, eat something, go on my balance board for riders, hahahaha. I'm not wondering about the thread....:grin:
Agrypnie, ok, next person knows