Hoffman Brothers


Nov 26, 2004
HA! HA! Hilarious! The Hoffmans have fallen out and now Deicide is doing much better without them.

DEICIDE touring guitarist Jack Owen (ex-CANNIBAL CORPSE) has sent BLABBERMOUTH.NET the following tour report from the group's mainman, Glen Benton:

"Glen Benton reporting from Denmark... [Stand-in guitarists] Dave [Suzuki, VITAL REMAINS] and Jack are doing an awesome job and the set is up to an hour and a half… [We're] playing songs I haven't played in years, which is refreshing! And it is a pleasure to send the fans away pleased... Nothing but positive attitudes and pleased people just like it should be...

"There is alot of whys? All I can say is that it is all for the positive, and it shows every night on stage so to all you dicks out there ... 'till you have walked in me and Steve's [Asheim, drummer] shoes, go fuck yourselves...

"Onto other news...

"We are presently working on a full scale tour of South America for March 2005.

"More rotting truth to follow..."



I was originally supposed to have spoken with the notorious Glen Benton back in February but due to a fuck up somewhere along the line the Deicide frontman never called so when I heard that the band would play in Aarhus on November 25th I couldn't pass on the opportunity to meet the devil himself face to face. I meet a talkative and slightly pissed Glen Benton to say the least. People can say what they want about the man but he's definitely not afraid to speak his mind. I was naturally very curious to learn about the circumstances surrounding missing presence of the Hoffman brothers and judging from what Glen had to say it seems that Deicide will have their first line-up change since the bands formation in 1987.

There have been some speculations on why the Hoffman brothers are missing. Could you explain why they are not here?
"Explain why they are not here? Eric and Brian have been doing nothing but cancelling shows on us and walking of tours and we can't continue to do that anymore. And they have issues, personal issues that I and Steve can't deal with anymore so I would say it's for the best".

Do they rejoin the band when you return home?

So it's permanent?






...And a "big" FUCKOFF to the Hoffman Brothers!!! It's boot camp time for you!!
the hoffman brothers are very talented musicians

It will be interesting to see who fulfills their posts full time, im sure they will be missed.

Funnily enough I am seeing them in Glasgow on thrusday so will have a taste of what they sound like without them. Will see if I can get to have a chat with Glenn to see whats been going on.
Fucking typical. I wait all this time to see Deicicde and the goddamn original line-up changes. Oh well, least I'll get an extra signature for my Vital Remains album sleeve.
COMMENT | from hoffman bro
posted by : carlsandoval
12/16/2004 5:13:52 AM

Well here's another view from Brian Hoffman-

"The bottom line is, the bitterness comes from Glen because he resents the fact that I don't condone his serious drug addiction. When faced with a decision like this it was very difficult for me, expecially after all these years but I really had no choice. There is no reasoning with a person like this and everything Glen Benton said in that interview is false. He showed up once in 6 months while we were writing Scars of the Crucifix and then wrote half the lyrics in the studio AFTER we recorded it and didn't know any of the bass lines so Eric played them! This argument could go back and forth forever but the camera doesn't lie.
I have some hilarious video footage of him in the studio trying to play the songs on the bass. I guess now I'll have to dig around for it LOL!
Oh, and as far as cancelling tours Glen cancelled the Super Joint Ritual tour and any other tour he didn't think he could make enough money on.
His addiction is now so bad that he rips off his own band members.
I wish Steve and whoever else who has to deal with this person who has no more bridges to burn, good luck. Mabe they could teach Glen how to play that bass.
As far as the Hoffmans......we are working on a side project and I will continue working on my luthier skills."-Brian Hoffman.

glenn is a serious no talent fuck let it be said, i still don't know how they got him to sing in vital remains

HA HA Brian Hoffman doesn't even have the balls to step up to the "Jewish" controlled media. He comes off like the drummer boy from Morbid Angel. In fact neither does Eric Hoffman. This big spooky dark cloud has once again fallen down upon our world. It burns the best. I don't think the Hoffmans are smart enough to come out with a side project. Yngwie Malmsteen has already made that clear. Its his castle. He even can swing it acoustically (with his fingers). I bet the Hoffmans would make a great Dixie Chics cover. Thats too bad. A block of wood can go along way.


Drug addiction? Well yeah i mean i knew Glen smoked pot and so did everyone else "weed is good smoke it evedryday" So what else is Brian Hoffman talking about? Didnt know the bass lines to the songs?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!What the fuck? Ok alright i see that a little animosity is expected but this could get nasty. Or..........mabey its good publicity for both sides........who knows, this whole break could be a cooked up scam just to make more money.....or mabey not i dont know. I am really disapointed in all of the band Deicide (past) for not showing any unity towards each other..........one reason why i dug theb and cause they seemed like a family, stuck it out, delt with conflict but performed like a team, this outburst ofaccusations is so childish and definatley not strong within at all. I guess thats what Satanism is all about...DOA....dont trust anyone and turn on whomever to benefit yourself....the art of selfishness, the true satanic way.
Ex-DEICIDE guitarist Eric Hoffman has hit back at DECIDE frontman Glen Benton, calling Glen's anti-Christian public stance "a show" and accusing his former bandmate of "lying to the public to save his ass" about recent tour cancellations.

In a lengthy statement sent to BLABBERMOUTH.NET, Hoffman said, "I, Eric Hoffman, hired Glen Benton from a local music magazine. His name was 'Rock.' He was a terrible singer at the time, so we hired a friend of ours from DEGRADATION to sing. He was very good, but could not phrase the song properly. Then Glen tried to show him how the lyric phrasing should be since he wrote the lyrics and he did it in a growl. I said, 'That sounds like the devil, so act like you're the devil for a gimmick.' We then let the other singer go.

"As far as Steve [Asheim, drums] writing all the songs, that is a joke. He has written a few, and they were always arranged by me. All songs are arranged by me, and he knows it. Glen listens to variations of the songs and it always goes back to the way I arranged it.

"Recently Glen took publishing money and he lied to the public to save his ass about cancellations, short sets and practice. On the contrary, that is why Brian [Hoffman, guitar] and I left. We now are in legal matters with Glen and Earache [Records]. Earache sends all royalties, merchandise money and publishing to Glen.

"The theme to the video Earache made was Glen's idea. I wanted DEICIDE to have a evil video, not him riding on a motorcycle. They should have made a killer video, jamming in hell in front of Satan while demons mosh.

"I never saw him once worship the devil. He was married in a church. It is all a show.

"He never could do long sets. We have been trying to get him to play more 'Legion' songs for years and many others. Mr. Benton only had to add more than ten songs recently in Europe to save his ass. We always told him to do more songs; even the fans did. We wanted to do the new material to play live, and he did not show up for practice to learn them. Even the record company knows that, right, Al [Dawson, Earache's U.S. label manager]?!

"He did not play all his bass lines in the studio, could not do technical riffs.

"I recorded one of my songs 'The Pentecostal' on his bass. Steve has done almost all his bass lines on all previous albums. I actually had to buy him a bass because he was so unprofessional.

"[He] never showed up for practice, for six months at a time. A few years ago, he tried to take a bunch of gig money. Then he said to my face he did not give a shit about the band, the fans or me. So I kicked his ass.

"I have never seen a check or a real statement for merchandise. There are a lot of DEICIDE shirts around; another lawsuit in the works for Blue Grape [merchandising company] soon.

"He was fired numerous times for not showing up, even Steve told him to get lost and he always came back. He writes the lyrics while we are in the studio.

"And there are other topics.

"No one said anything about his simulating sex sounds of him getting it in the rear on 'Torment In Hell'. That is why I did not do solos on that record.

"Steve's drumming, I had to make him hit the snare with two sticks because he could not blast fast enough for the new songs. Notice on all 'Scars of the Crucifix' songs super-blast beats, two sticks are hit in a roll manner and a simulated ride is added.

"Note: my brother is building some awesome guitars, and we will have a new band in the near future.

"Next will be a video of Mr. Benton's studio work. Check out his posture laying on end of couch. Every sound engineer said he was the worst bass player they ever heard. Scott Burns and Neil [Kernon] can tell that one someday."

AAAHH HA HAH HAH HA!!!! Eric Hoffman can't spit out one thing that makes sense. Just watch the DVD. Enough said. I wonder what dumb fucking chic was paid to help that fucking meat head write all that. It reads like it's off a tape recorder. This is fucking classic!!! A FIGHT!!! A FIGHT!!! All this is goin DOWN in HISTORY!!! Quick hide the shit!!!

Although this will be an interesting duo. A big hunk and lil twit with a bald head. A time progression. I wonder what will turn to be a vocalist and drummer. James Murphy? Can't think of any sticks at the moment. No wait I always think sticks.

I cannot wait for this new Dixie Chic album.

And that's another Vital Remains and hopefully Deicide one to for my collection as well.


ME!!! ME!! ME!!!

"Pssssfffff yeah right you want me to fuck that?"





"Return to Steve and Glen."


COMMENT | I love this!
posted by : BT
1/15/2005 12:20:06 AM

" We are totally phony, our drummer can't drum, bassist can't play, our singer can't sing-and he never even really worshipped Satan!"

"But trust me, the next records gonna be great!"



i wonder what glen and steve are gonna have to say about that, the video wouldve been a lot better if it wouldve had that theme though, but im on glen and "deicide's" side, cant wait for new album to come out
Wow, I think you die hard Deicide fans are going to be really dissapointed. Eric Hoffman does do most of the writing for the band. He is also a phenomenal guitarist. Brian is getting there too. Jack Owen doesn't even compare (though also a good player). Lets face it guys we're metal heads, that means we like guitars. You can't dump the guitarists and keep the band. Eric Hoffman is one of my favorite players, and I think my record purchases will be following the Hoffmans. Glen has a cool voice, and I like his views on things (I am also a fan of Anton LaVey). Steve is a great drummer, but without those grinding riffs and killer solos it won't be the same.

Vital Remains are a better band than Deicide anyway - Deicide may keep the name, but it'll be Vital Remains in actual fact. I wondered why they didn't show a proper studio report on the "Scars" DVD, this explains it. That DVD was a lot of fucking crap.
What's this thing about Glenn simulating sounds of him getting it in the rear? Eh?!
I personaly cannot beleive what i am hearing here. I am disgusted and severly disapointed. No one has ever seen Glen worship the devil........in fact no one has SEEN ANY OF THEM workship the fucking devil! What happened to "WE have to live it and breathe it its not something you can do for show" Fucking liars! Married in a church? WHAT THE BLOODY GOD DAMNED FUCK? I heard about that but i never thuoght it was true. In fact i think this whole thing is a fucking bloody outrage and a fucking stupid thing on everyones part. How could you guys (decide) sell each other out like that? How the fuck is it you guys are are so mother fucking loyal at one point then backbite each other like this? you guys are fucking satanists thats for sure all backbite each other and fuck around like this. Shit like this makes Jesus Christ get points! Christians are hypocrytes and satanists are back biting greedy lust tempted fucks. All of you suck and disapoint me LARGE! In fact you ALL need fucking rehab and all of you have a fucking god damned drug problem. Steriods, weed, whatever the hell else it is you use to obviously create this phoney image and sell it all to us like your the biggest thing out their. Steriod fucking using, i always thuoght that guy just fucking worked out, and the pot was just for a change in perception. Boy iam stupid. To idolise such fakes. Mabey thats what everyone was talking about when they used to bash Glen Benton for his crap, Hoffmans were always respected fortheir guitaring no doubt and still are in my eyes but they sunk too. Fucking satanists my ass, you al lneed fucking drugs to fucking see the devil, you never saw the devil you just fucking live a life of stoned false sense of lifestyles, why did you tell Glen to worship the devil then huh? Just as a gimmick? your a fucking fraud to for telling somoene to do that and trying to use it too sell. You probabley sit their and laugh at all of us reacting cause half of it is probabley a fucking lie cause you got no god dmaned braincells left to tell the fucking truth. What a fraud, after all these fucking years of "yeah Deicide is the shit Deicide RULES! all thefucking attempts i have made to see you guys live and spent all this money on your shit i feel like i have been ripped off. Your bulshit devil worhipping is a gimmick just liike Jesus fucking bastard christ, you are all on the same mother fucking page to make money. I never cared if you worshipped the devil, i only cared cause i thought you guys were real and loyal to the leigon of another view and perception. Looks to me you fooled me. Your music was cool and taught me so much about metal and the possibilites that can lead, but now i think about it, you manipulated my mind and sold me a bulshit band, with bulshit goals, and a bulshit lifestyle, thank you Glen Benton for your mother fucking hypocrasy, your no better then a christian, thank you hoffman brothers for weed smoking steriod using lifestyle i bet buddy is a weak as a kitten on the street he just looks tough cause he drugs himself up. Bet if you fucking kick him in the shins hard enough he will crumble to the ground. Hope you grow another dick so you can fuckyourself up the ass and your fucking brother and Glen too, bunch of fakes! Go fuck YOUR JESUS BASTARDS OF BULSHIT!
on the scars dvd eric hoffman told a different story of how the band started. im kind of getting the idea they are just saying shit back and forth to make each other look bad. in a couple of interviews i read a while back they said glen got married in a mcdonalds. thats what he had said before too. so i dont know.
I know man but too see this behaviour out of what i thuoght was a loyal leigon is really fucked up. They may be mad or whatever but this whole thing is fucked. I learned a style from the band deicide so i kinda boiught into their whole shit and thought they were real. I guess thats showbiz for you, its one big jackpot full of money........you know the hoffmans talk about Glen and his obession with money.....if you read the interview about him and the "amount of money he could make onthe european tour" then it still kinda makes you wonder who is really telling the truth. Oh the so called sex sounds kinda makes me think it was on the song "vengence will be mine" towards thel ast verse or something, i thuoght that was one of theh offmans who made that sound not Glen. Oh well, lets see what the results of al lthis shit its gonna be, looks like Deicides sour days are gonna be filled by many moments of humor.........dont be too open with your satanic freinds people.....in satanism one of the commandments is vengence.... what you may do for fun one day may be funny when you see it on tape.....but when things go bad, it could humiliate you for life......i want to see this Glen satan benton try to play theb ass on the scars album......unless the hoffmans edited it pretty well......"sell your soul to the devil....you never will own it again" Sell your soul to jesus and hewill notgive it back but with a smile his face"
i know, its rediculous. on the dvd they make it seem like everythings cool and that they r gonna keep doing what they have been and then as soon as shit goes bad they stab each other in the fuckin back. thats pretty fucked up
I can't believe anyone takes Deicide and the whole "satanism" thing seriously anymore. Benton's been proved lacking in this department many times over the years - it was always just a marketing tool, and it's worked phenomenally well! Who gives a fuck if they really ARE genuine Satanists (and there's many differing opinions on THAT anyway) - if you like the music, that should be all that matters. "Scars" is possibly my favourite Deicide album, so it's a bummer they've split up. I just hope Vital Remains keep going though, as that would be an even bigger loss. They're a fucking incredible band.
vital remains is doing the next album with deicide, dave suzuki and tony lazaro on guitar, steve asheim and benton i think the next album will be better then people think. they r just stickin with the deicide name b/c of earache and it will sell more records b/c of the name
I never cared for the satanism, but i did care about the bulshit of christ and the way they talked bad about it and explained how christianity should not get the credit it gets today in this world. I personaly am a antichrist, i dont beleive and am disgusted the way society masters this jesus christ character. As far as the Hoffmans go, i think they are exposing things that they ALL agreed to do and now they are just backbiting. I know about the double snar hit cause ican hear it in Scars of the crucifix. But i think that was a idea they ALL made. So what anyway? It still sounds cool. If Eric Hoffman and Brian hoffman tried to play sober would they be as tight as they are today? Seems to me Deicide is a drug created image like pink Floyyd. Its all to do with the drugs, they all need rehab.
i really dont care about the drugs and all that shit, as long as the music is good. just as long as they dont get back into the insineratehymn and in torment in hell shit it should be good